• Industry : E-Commerce, Magento
  • Timeline : Oct 31, 2016
  • Writer : Saima Naz

Displaying Products from a Specific Category in Magento: A Step-by-Step Guide

In our last tutorial, we learned to display customized category listing in Magento. So, today we will focus on the easiest way to display products from a specific category on your website’s Homepage or any other page.


As we all know Magento is a powerful e-commerce platform that provides a sustainable solution to the e-commerce merchants. But, at times we get confused about what to display on the Homepage of our store in order to maximize our conversions and increase sales. So, we end up cluttering the page and buyer get confused with too much information overload. You might want to display a specific category that is in demand or range of specific products that your user would most likely purchase. So, let’s get started with the process:


From your Admin panel, navigate to Catalog-> Manage Categories

Select the category you want to list on the Homepage and note down the category ID.

Next, navigate to CMs->Pages


Select the page in which you would like to display the products from a category. For this tutorial we will choose Homepage.


Select content and click on Show/Hide Editor


Write the following code:

{{block type="catalog/category_list" column_count="4" category_id="4" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}

The column_count here restricts the number of columns to be displayed. While category_id is used to get the specific category through its id.


Now navigate to Systems->permissions->Blocks

Click on ‘Add new block’

Now enter the block name. In our case, it is catalog/ category_list

Select “Yes” from drop-down box IsAllowed and save the block.

Now products from specific category will be listed on the home page. You can see this by going to the front-end of your store.

So, today we have learned the easiest way to show products from specific Category in Magento. If you have any query, feel free to comment below: