• Industry : Magento
  • Timeline : Jul 15, 2019
  • Writer : Saima Naz

est Game Engine for Android Game Development in 2019

Android Game App Development is a developing sector that tends to dominate the gaming world. The increasing user engagement towards mobile gaming apps making it more popular. Smartphone use is not restricted to sending messages, and taking selfies, but also as a means of entertainment. The best way to kill the time when bored is to play a game in the app, which is the reason for so many gaming applications.

Mobile app games like Pokemon Go, PUBG, and Candy Crush are the most common gaming applications in the mobile app gaming globe.

In addition, mobile phones and tablets have become the first choice of individuals to engage in the virtual gaming area. Users are introduced to so many games that for most people this has become the greatest entertaining source.

How Game Engines Work

A game engine sets out the software framework to build and create video games. They provide elements ranging from animation to artificial intelligence. Game engines are liable for graphics rendering, collision detection, memory management, and many more choices.

Game engines provide developers with tools to create countless gaming apps. Designers often reuse these engines to deliver other games that make it a valuable investment.

A game engine includes five components: the main game program that includes the game logic; a rendering engine that can be used to produce 3D animated graphics; an audio engine consisting of sound-related algorithms; a physics engine to enforce ‘physical’ legislation within the system; and artificial intelligence, a module intended to be used by software engineers with a specialist designation.

Below is a list of game engines currently available for anyone interested in game development.


  • With the 2D or android game engine 3D development features, gaming app can be created with the support of a team of developers.
  • You may use the unit store (paid) resources or import assets from a 3D application.
  • A complete guide is available to develop android games for the first time.
  • Other than Android, it supports other platforms such as iOS, Windows Phone, Tizen OS and Fire OS.
  • Games such as Pokémon Go and Angry Birds 2 were based on Unity.

Unreal Engine

  • Ideal for a beginner to develop android gaming apps.
  • User-friendly interface support.
  • Changes can be made without extravagant coding.
  • Support great graphics.
  • Supports Android and iOS, Windows PC, Linux, and many others.


  • Create HTML5 games; compatible with Cordova.
  • Use any plugin without downloading from the Cocoon cloud.
  • Supports IOS, Android Wear, and the Amazon App Store plugin after Android.

App Game Kit

  • App Game Kit has strategies designed for all stages of developers (from beginner to professional)
  • Uses a language very similar to C++
  • It is user-friendly.
  • It is cross-platform so that at once a game app can be made available for all platforms.
  • Supports iOS, Blackberry and Windows Phone platform, including Android.


  • Ideal for an event-based game.
  • User-friendly interface with great graphics support.
  • Helps develop static games.
  • Supports iOS and Windows other than Android.

Corona SDK- the 2D Game Engine

  • The best choice for a simpler language platform.
  • Employs Lua scripting (i.e. simple to learn and code with)
  • It’s cross-platform.
  •  Supports IOS, Windows Phone, Apple / Android TV and Kindle other than Android phones.
  • Corona’s community is known for its support and excellent documentation.
  • 2D game development framework for making the game or use plugins from its marketplace.
  • Has real-time stimulus integrated.

Amazon Lumberyard

  • It is a game that creates a platform owned and developed by Amazon.
  • Offers free tools – can develop a visually unique game through twitch integration.
  • Cross-platform
  • Supports Android  IOS, PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation4.
  • Open source game engine

Challenges in Developing Android Game Applications

Developing game applications using the Android platform includes certain challenges including:

  • Features do not get used efficiently

Proper usage of Android’s features in developing games would be the main challenge for any Android App Development Service Provider. Every game built on the Android platform has to offer the finest features and engaging aspects by seamlessly interacting with the local functionality and atmosphere of the device.

  • Focusing on multiple device configurations

We all are familiar with the fact that Android hardware configurations have a wide variety; any game built must have a target to achieve maximum reach. if you are building games for particular hardware configurations such as Tegra or Snapdragon, or for particular apps is common to developers of Android games. However, the challenge is that most smartphones, esp LTE handsets, do not support Tegra and migrate to Snapdragon, which raises questions about achieving consistent output across multiple graphics processors.

  • Thinking of an out-of-the-box storyline 

If you wish to retain more and more customers, creating a captivating story can do wonders. Believe it or not, it’s not simple to create Android games with a nice and original storyline. In fact, we could likely say “it’s all done before” without failing to tell the truth. There are hundreds of Android games dealing with war, fantasy, racing, etc.

  • Maintaining user-friendliness 

The most challenging part is to design a game which is unique and captivating yet simple, clear and user-friendly. The game must have easy to understand levels even though it is strategic games you are building.

  • Brainstorming game design 

Without thoughtful design, no game actually takes on a bigger market or even exist. Any good game design requires a lot of expertise on target devices including its interactive capability and support features. It is quite difficult for developers as well as programmers to integrate current trends and methods while designing a spot-on structure of Android games along with common device-independent features.

Final Words

There are various mobile game development platforms and tools in the market and we have mentioned the most widespread engines that can help you build some top-notch android game applications. These engines mentioned are the choice of top mobile game development companies. It is difficult to overstate the benefit given to the independent developer or the big-studio team working on the next big game by game engines. While choosing a platform to develop a game, consider your budget (although some are free), ideas, requirements, and expectations. Then choose whatever is the best mobile game development software for you!