• Industry : Marketing
  • Timeline : Mar 28, 2018
  • Writer : Saima Naz

Mobile Marketing Tricks Of The Trade For Fashion Ecommerce

We have officially entered the phase of m-commerce in which consumers not only use it as a shopping tool but also as a search portal, a personal advisor and a 24/7 shopping partner. Why is shopping through mobile becoming a norm?

Perhaps because the users of mobile outweigh the users of a toothbrush. Or because we have actually becomes cyborgs that store part of their memory in an extended device. As a result majority of the shoppers today are using their smartphones to buy clothing and other fashion accessories. This is not a real surprise. M-commerce already enjoys one-third of e-commerce sales (34 percent). In the past few years we have witnessed a fundamental shift in purchase behavior of consumer. 87% of millennials admit that a cellphone never leaves their side. Their choices and purchase preferences are shaped through the searches they come across. Of course this opens up a window of opportunity for marketers.

So, without further ado let’s delve into some ways to leverage mobile marketing for fashion industry.

Build a personalized experience

It all started from Amazon when it started recommending products to its customers based on their past purchases and search history. That is how they raised the bar for personalization. Today retailers compete with each other to offer better personalized experience for its consumer. For instance EyeFitU is a fashion sizing platform that suggests to its users sizing recommendations, based on their personal measurements.

Appeal to generation Z

The tech-driven generation that consumes snapchat and Instagram at breakfast is fast in catching latest fashion trends. In order to appeal to them, marketers need to know where to find them and how to connect with them. Also value their opinion when they share a review about a product or service. The live video experiences that they share tend to resonate among post millennials. The bottom line is in order to make sense to generation Z, the marketing messages must be directed to the platforms that they are addicted to.

Make mobile app experience augmented

Sephora is a leading fashion and cosmetics brand that did a fine job by aiding customers in their in-store shopping. The app includes some beacon powered features that offers a digital experience by offering augmented reality features. Sephora has indeed considered their digital-savvy customers to create options of scanning products and the makeup application tips the app suggests when you take a selfie. It is indeed an experience that promotes customer engagement and turns them into brand loyal.

Scan-to-shop directly from mobile

Loreal introduced an app that used the scan-to-shop technology. In order to promote consumers to use this feature, they were allowed to scan products in magazine ads or in-store. This simplified shopping through mobile employs image recognition technology that various retailers can implement for better engagement.