• Industry : E-Commerce
  • Timeline : Oct 24, 2017
  • Writer : Arpatech Website

3 Mistakes in eCommerce That Will Slim Chances of Customer Retention

A commercial business becomes easy when you handle it well in all aspects. You got to handle several things and manage them properly. First of all, you should stand to your decisions and try to make things easier the customers throughout the shopping process. You should think it in wide perspective to provide an ideal ecommerce business platform for your customers in different aspects.

The companies should provide necessary services what an ecommerce businesses are being expected to offer to their customers. You have to provide easy and trusted services to attract the online visitors to make them your potential customers. You got to serve them a dedicated platform to increase your customers. But, not to lose them by any fatal mistakes. You got to set some goals, identify obstructions and potential drawbacks to provide a smooth purchasing for the customers at every step.

The three most serious mistakes which can result in slim chances of customers’ retention are mentioned below:

  1. Avoid Testing Your Website Design

Your ecommerce website designing may become one of the main and most important fatal mistakes. Your website is the first and central part of your business that represents your online presence. So, you should really be careful about designing your ecommerce website from a professional web design and development agency. Many businessmen do not understand this major fact and their slight mistake can convert their businesses from benefits to loss. So, get it designed as a user-friendly and purely responsive website so that people can visit through all devices easily. The visitors can easily use it on their handsets and control their purchasing efficiently. Before making it live, you should test all the flaws if there exists and remove them. Such flaws may include the design, web content, and infographics on your website, and product categories etc. which are the major things that customers observe. The loading time also counts, so make sure the site loads well in time so that visitors return again due to exercising your website’s loading speed.

  1. Inefficient Shipping Process

You should also be careful about your shipping process and your moves should go in the right direction especially your active shipment process. Because inefficient shipping methods will not work to run a product-based ecommerce business. So, you should manage the shipping process before you get assistance from ecommerce development solutions. Also, make sure you are using the right logistics for managing your products to ship to your customers without any delays. Avoid mistakes in packaging processes as inefficiency of packaging, or late deliveries in shipment can ruin your entire efforts. All above mentioned inconveniences can create a costly burden to you and to your customers. These may lead you to losing your potential customers and won’t be able to retain them back again.

  1. To Create an Account

Customers avoid shopping from such online shopping portals where account creation is necessary before purchasing any product. That’s why most of the customers leave and never return to such ecommerce sites. Because they have no time to create an account simply for single time purchase or buying something is urgent. In fact, about twenty-three percent of customers said in a survey that they would leave their shopping cart if it is compulsory to create an account on any platform. It’s useless and time wasting to fill account creation form and providing additional personal data to the website for simply buying a single product or in urgent.

Therefore, business owners should not compel their customers to create an account or becoming a member. The customers can easily shop their required products and let them go happily. If they are being entertained well and leave successfully, they will certainly return again with positive experience. Otherwise, you might have the chances of losing your customer’s retention if you force them to create an account. So, make sure you got a guest checkout option available for such potential customers in your website and they leave after shopping with a positive experience. Hopefully, the guest checkout option will provide clear chances that the customers will return and after some time, they will create their accounts on their own. But, you must never ever force them to create an account or signup for membership.