• Industry : Digital Marketing, SEO
  • Timeline : Oct 08, 2019
  • Writer : Saima Naz

5 Points to Consider in Every SEO Strategy

Many of us have already heard that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial digital marketing strategy. However, despite having a basic understanding of SEO, a majority of us might just not have a strong grip on this dynamic, multi-faceted entity.  SEO is composed of a variety of different features, so learning what they do and how they work is important for understanding why SEO is so essential. Let’s start with the basics.


What is SEO?


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) applies to the process used to boost the ranking of a website on search engine results pages (SERPs) on platforms like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Designing an SEO plan of a business will help bring customer traffic on your website, while boosting your sales and revenue.


Why Is It Necessary for Your Business?


The purpose of a search engine is to provide accurate results that cover the information you’re looking for as easily and precisely as possible. To do this, search engines are able to determine and evaluate all relevant information online in terms of quality and significance. In simple terms, SEO is essential as it helps make the website more visible, which implies more visitors and more chances to turn leads into customers. SEO would undoubtedly improve the overall searchability and visibility of the website, resulting in increased conversions for your business.


The following are the five key elements for running a successful SEO strategy to make sure people looking for your product or service find you online.


5 Things Every SEO Strategy Needs


1. Make a Mind Map First


A mind map is something that tells your whole plan from zero to hundred. It is actually a brainstorming activity that is essential for an effective SEO strategy. A comprehensive mind map doesn’t actually define your final strategy; instead, it helps you envision your thinking process and ideas in one place and see what they can result in altogether. A mind map is essentially a branching sequence of categories, usually coming from the middle, going from more generalized to more specific categories, with concepts getting more detailed. SEO analysts jot down all the points that come to their mind and helps you think in a nonlinear way. A mind map is indeed a far more organized approach to streamline your SEO strategy and encourage you to refer to something that immediately clicks you to develop your strategy.


2. Provide a Visual Representation of Your Strategy

Once your basic strategy has been finalized, you need to turn the mind map into a professional and comprehensive document to carry the operations further, keeping the plan transparent and all parties involved in the task. Your strategy is a plan which should include your goals and duties attached to them. Plan out which previous strategies to be repeated and improved, which ones to be renewed and task-specific working needed as the time passes. All of it should be done quickly and in a proper structure so that it becomes comprehensible to your team as well as your clients. Take Google Sheet or whatever you find convenient and make the strategy clear to all the people associated with it. Also make sure that you mention tasks assigned to specific people, priorities of the plan as well as details about the recurring, already planned and done tasks.


3. Understand ‘Who’ and ‘What’ You Are Working For

To make your project a success, you must have a good understanding of who and what you are working for whether you are an internal or external SEO. You must be aware of both the strengths and weaknesses in order to maximize SEO potential.  You must focus on the following factors.


  • You must understand the company’s vision to help you guide your strategic objectives and metrics. If the vision statement of your company isn’t doing justice to your business. It is the high time you should consider changing it and devise a new version that can justify the purpose of your SEO campaign.
  • We must first need to figure out the product’s unique selling proposition (USP) which means finding out what makes your product or service different from others. This will work as a catalyst for the strategy you need to plan. Moreover, it will help you decide the audience you need to target, the outreach, keywords, etc.
  • You should know where your company is hurting at the very moment. If this doesn’t get obliterated, it is something that would always creep or destroy your SEO strategy. Know what the business actually wants to see and likely won’t handle until you devote to a strategy.

4. Know Your Audience and Their Mindset

This is a key pointer. Understanding your audience can make you win the situation and knowing them means knowing far more than what keywords they search.  To know your audience, you must find out the following:


  • Knowing how much prone your audience is to the marketing, upselling, etc. is very important. You should know how hypersensitive or submissive they are to any sort of promotions. You must be aware of their conduct as you develop your strategy.
  • Understand the level of knowledge of your audiences. Knowing them and their mindset will help you plan your strategy, subject matter and you can use the industry jargon accordingly.
  • Who are you targeting is another important thing to consider. Is it B2C or B2B? Find out if your audience is familiar with your industry. Or Are they only concerned about the product you are offering.

5. Set Precise Objectives

Keep a goal precise if you want it to be successful. Put your focus more on working sections and how they function along than on a specific dollar amount. Be thoughtful about choosing KPIs and metrics.  Revenues are supposed to rise more than expenses. It is also helpful to establish a financial objective while setting up a time-frame. The approach is to pursue goals that will have a clear impact on the organization, its course, and future and the manner in which the business is run.

The metrics must depict what’s going on with the work pieces, which includes links and authority, rankings and organic search traffic.



You’ve likely heard these SEO tips already, but the main question is, did you really pursue them? They’ll definitely help you to boost the rankings.  Improvements don’t take place overnight, so the earlier you begin, the better. Implement all the mentioned tips in your strategy and use them to run your business effectively.