• Industry : E-Commerce
  • Timeline : Oct 01, 2017
  • Writer : Arpatech Website

7 Hacks To Boost Your e-Commerce ROI

The advancement of e-Commerce hacks is all about to get the advantage. It works for elimination to achieve the maximum traffic, revenue or even signups. Scaling and structuring have not been that much so simpler. One can struggle for few hours on a specific campaign. This can carry out on daily, weekly or monthly basis unless any action of interfering.

Given below presents seven Boosting hacks for e-Commerce ROI (Return on Investment):

Creating of Striking Content

Content plays a prominent part in attracting visitors and the best way to market brands or claims. It surely has a solid base in creating the impression of the product to describe it as per needs of customers. Seventy percent of consumers desire to get to know a company through described content rather than an ad. It is also very significant to note that one has few seconds to get customer’s attraction before they move on. So, the striking content needs to be easy and impressive to engage the audiences.

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Use of Effective Images

Images also perform is effective support in attracting the customers and increasing sales and revenue of the company. Images help grow business goals and achievements effectively and support in selling the specific product to the right customer. It is really significant to use images that represent the product features and will create the entire focus on the needs of customers.

Email Campaigns

Using the strategy of emailing to the targeted customers is also one of the successful marketing skills. So, it creates a positive sense to use the support of email campaign as one of the excellent e-Commerce growth hacks. An email that includes complete product details is a great way to let the customers know about the new information that will follow them to think about their needs.

Use of Effective Video Marketing

Boosting any business by using the video marketing skills is also one of the fastest means of flourishing the business. It is one of the attractive and striking means of advertising company products. A minute of video can easily represent the intention of a product well to the customers. Today, using the video market is the ideal way to use this growth hack to increase business revenue or ROI.

Setting Return and Refund Policy

People are really concerned about Return and Refund when they shop products online. So, to overcome this major concern from the customers; set a prominent policy by highlighting the returns and refunds to attract the customers to clear any ambiguity that exists in their minds. This policy can also provide the best opportunity to convert more and more customers as returning and refunding will generate positive thinking and will eliminate the option of ambiguity.

Generating Social Proof

For boosting ROI of any e-Commerce business, social proof generates reliability and impression on customers. It implies that specific online store is trusted by a large community and influencers, and it’s not just overvalued up by clever descriptions. Social proof is also thought to be useful for tapping into customer psychology because the customers get a cue when they see the experiences of other people. Social proof can be in different forms like online reviews, ratings, and number of people bought such products etc.


Re-marketing is the fundamental approach as positive hacks to boost return on investment (ROI). It is generally the process of pursuing website visitors and then aiming them with proper content after they leave. This goal is simply to re-engage the customers and a try to bring them back to shop again. Re-marketing provides the best opportunity to transform bounced visitors, improve ROI budgets, increase brand awareness, increase visitors and site engagement.