• Industry : Web Design
  • Timeline : Mar 29, 2022
  • Writer : Saima Naz

8 Signs your Website Needs a Redesign

A website is your most powerful weapon for business marketing. It gives your information to prospective clients and helps convert visitors to customers. Do you know that 81% users do not choose the business with poor or old-school websites? And 39% would rethink before they take your services if your website is not user-friendly or looks stale.

With the evolving trends in the market, even the newest ideas get boring soon and require revamping every now and then. Similarly, a website needs an upgrade when it starts to appear dull. There are no thumb rules that can determine your website needs a redesign. But a few major signs can certainly help. Let’s take a look.

1. Website is Slow

No one likes to wait for the web page to load. This is the point where the site visitor loses interest and closes the page. As a business owner, your aim for the loading time should be 5 seconds. Slow loading can have multiple reasons such as heavy unoptimized videos and images, overloaded plugins, bad themes, unpowered hosting, and more.

This calls for a redesign of your website. It will not only give your website a fresh and professional look, it will also increase website conversion with faster page loads. Moreover, a redesign is your most cost-effective option to fix critical issues in the website.

2. Higher Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is a critical part of a website. You invest your time, energy, and resources into your business, but when your audience visits the homepage, they immediately get turned off. It’s an ominous sign that can lead to losing out on great leads and potential clients.

A bounce rate is a sign that you are doing something wrong and you have to figure out the underlying problem. It may be your navigation, the speed, content, or the overall website. On average, the bounce rate between 40% – 60% is normal, although it may not be the same for every industry. The safe way to fix the bounce rate issue is by redesigning your website. Google Analytics helps you check your website’s bounce rate. If it is high, follow the tips to decrease the rate. The last resort is surely a website redesign.

3. Poor Traffic and Sales

Website is built with a purpose of generating traffic and if it fails to do that, it is a problem. If you have been observing great dip in the leads and traffic for some time, it shows that your visitors do not find your website interesting enough to stay longer. Conversion is already a difficult process and a bad website adds to the problem.

To provide great experience to your users, you must ensure easy navigation, engaging content, effective call-to-action, and more. You can easily achieve all this with a redesign to upgrade the overall website and bring it back to the competitive market.

4. Old Website

Old is gold. But not when it comes to a business website.

An old website shows that your business is boring and doesn’t have much to offer. There is no set expiration date for a website but if you have used a website for three to five years, then you must seek a redesign. It is because technology changes quickly and you need to be at the top of your game by using the best search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and more.

So, do your business a favor and turn your three- to five-year-old website into something that can positively impact your business’s growth.

5. No Search Results

Half of the battle for your website is the correct search engine optimization. Creating content that has all the necessary keywords is important for your website to rank high on search results. It is a solid foundation that a website must have; if not, everything automatically goes to waste.

If your website ranks low or doesn’t rank at all on the search engines such as Google and Bing, it reflects poorly on your business. So, you need to put efforts in you search engine ranking and stay on page 1 of search results — all by redesigning your website.

6. Change in Business

If your business has changed and you no longer offer the services available on your website, you must redesign your website as soon as possible. Naturally, businesses change with time. You introduce new products or discontinue a few. At times, your vision entirely changes. Factors like these must not be displayed on your website if you no longer benefit from them.

A website is the soul of your business and it should only show what you presently offer to help boost the sales. In such cases, redesigning the business website is the only way to got about it and it must not be delayed.

7. Incomplete Information

Why do people visit websites? To learn more about the business. If your website doesn’t have updated information, why would your audience want to visit the site in the first place? If your current prospects can’t easily find the information they require, they won’t return to the site. This is where redesigning comes useful.

Redesign your website with necessary details of your business with recent trends and extraordinary UX; you will experience visitors spending more time on your website.

8. Better Competitor Website

It is necessary to keep an eye on your competitors. It will inspire you to do better and use your resources correctly. If you check your competitor’s website and you find them doing something that makes your website seem outdated, it is a sign that your website may need revamping. While its true that you should learn from their techniques, it is equally important to use your mind and not blindly follow them.

The Bottom Line

Is it time to revamp your website? Well, if you consistently find these signs in your website, it indeed is time you went for its much-needed overhaul. It is important to understand that website redesigning not only offers long-term benefits, but it also helps you save cost in many ways.