• Industry : News Categories
  • Timeline : Nov 15, 2022
  • Writer : Saima Naz

Best Automation Testing Tools You Need

Software development is a tough job and in order to deliver successful products and services, software developers must use automation testing tools as a part of effective software development practice. With a wide variety of open-source and commercial automation tools, it is difficult to identify which one is the right choice for your project. The impact of such tools can alter your project upside down. More so, selection of the suitable automation testing tools can also be tricky. So, which are the best tools you need as a software developer?

We have curated a list of the top automation testing tool you need for your business. Let’s take a look.

Top Automation Testing Tools

1.     Tenjin Online

Tenjin Online is a codeless and SaaS-based automation testing tool that has simple applications. The platform doesn’t need any critical configuration or skills due to the wide variety of features and functionalities it has.  A software developer can test Android as well as iOS applications on this platform.

Some of the best aspects of Tenjin Online are

  1. It does not need any technical knowledge for you to begin with
  2. It saves your testing time and cost up to 75%
  3. The functional and UI tests of this platform can be easily executed
  4. It is cost effective
  5. This test platform is fast, independent, and effective

2.     Selenium

Unarguably, Selenium is one of the most popular automation testing platforms among developers and QA engineers. Released in 2004, Selenium has greatly evolved and become the most used automation tool. This testing tool came up with many versions over the years containing main components such as Selenium IDE and Selenium WebDriver.

It is an open-source automation tool that is used to automate across many operating systems such as Mac, Windows, Linux, and other browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and other Headless Browsers. Selenium is compatible with every programming language and offers a big number of commands and options that you can manipulate. When combined with Python and Web Scraping, the platform has reportedly shown the best results. In order to use Selenium, you do not need to learn any programming skills or difficult scripts.

Selenium provides playback features and record with its browser and add-on Selenium IDE. The best part is that Selenium is free and all over the world and it is one of the best professional investments.

3.     Laravel

Laravel is another popular automation testing tool. It is a web app framework that has simple and expressive syntax. This platform promotes simplified syntax and clean code. Software developers use it for many purposes such as quick error handling, using single commands, expressive coding, and more.

Laravel gets testing support with PHPUnit having the predefined setup i.e. phpunit.xml file. This automation testing tool minimizes many security risks such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection, and cross-site request forgery. These are the reasons that make Laravel one of the best testing tools for developers.

4.     Robotium

Robotium is a software program that allows you to test Android-based applications. This framework introduces you to a variety of testing areas such as gray box UI testing, user acceptance testing, and system testing – all for native and hybrid android applications.

With the help of Robotium, you can write strong and effective automatic black-box UI tests. It helps test case developers write functions, and systems, spanning android activities, and other user acceptance test scenarios. You can test your Android-based applications for free using Robotium.

5.     Watir

Watir is an acronym for Web Application Testing In Ruby. It is a Ruby library that allows you to do multiple things such as automation testing like clicking, filling forms, and more. It is an open-source web automation tool that is best for automated scripts that support IE on Windows. The scripting language of Watir is Ruby; however, it can be used to automate web applications created in any language.

Watir has many features such as connection with the database, reading flat files, excel, and more. It is considered one of the best automation testing tools because it can also integrate with BDD tools such as Cucumber, RSpec, and more. Watir supports many Firefox and headless browser HTML Unit.

Fun fact: Watir is pronounced as “water”.

6.     Katalon Platform

Alongside Selenium, another automation testing tool that is famous among the developers is Katalon Platform. It is one of the best open-source automation tools that supports web and mobile environments for end-to-end testing. It is a simple and easy-to-use platform and with that, it has some brilliant JIRA implementations as well.

The platform smoothly integrates automated tests into the CI/CD ecosystem. With the use of Katalon TestOps, you get great insights and required centralized reports. The automation tool can be used to test desktop applications, mobile, web, and API. It uses Groovy as the scripting language and supports any external Java library. You can use this automation testing tool for a user-friendly interface for the management of codeless test automation and works smoothly with Continuous Integration systems such as TeamCity, Bamboo, and more.

7.     Cucumber

This cucumber may not give you health benefits but it offers many automated software testing advantages that support Behavior Driven Development (BDD). Initially, Cucumber was developed specifically for Ruby testing; however, it now supports many programming languages through many implementations such as Lua, JavaScript, PHP, and Java. It also has its own programming language known as Gherkin.

Cucumber is best-suited for developers whose focus is on the end-user experience. The automation testing tool is free and its setup is quite simple as well. The interesting fact is that this tool has been downloaded more than 30 million times which makes it the most popular automation software testing tool for BDD.

The Bottom Line

Automation testing has become seamless with the help of a wide variety of automation testing tools. Before you choose one, you must understand your automation needs. So, research and analyze every automation tool; you can also have a trial period of the tools you find the best and select whichever works for you.