• Industry : Magento
  • Timeline : Jun 12, 2017
  • Writer : Saima Naz

Development And Design Under The Same Roof With Magneto Development

Designing and developing any e-commerce site or online web shop on Magento is very challenging. The features seem so easy but actually, they are not. A Magento designer has to spend a lot of time and energy in order to complete the task. Similarly, Magento developer spends too much time in converting the solutions into code. All this can happen easily and effectively with the smooth communication between developers and designers, which don’t usually happens in most of the organization.

While designing any website, designers prefer to create a unique and simple web for a better user interface. Professional designers firstly study the behavior of the user plan things through trying multiple solutions and in end checks if the functionality is possible in Magento Development Services.

Communication is Important

Communication is the only way which can help fix the solution between the designer and the developer. Only communication can bring neat and incredible results.

Communication is the moment when “face to face” work meetings makes the entire development and design process easy. By brainstorming and communicating, one can find the perfect solution to offer great user experience with great performance.

Regular communication helps the most in the wireframe phase, the phase where most of the website structure, informational architecture, and features are being arranged.

Wireframe & the Design Phase

It is quite impossible to make a developer understand what exactly the main idea is and what the desired result is. Here designers play an important part in the briefing about the conclusion of the conducted research, importance of the features and explain more properly through wireframes and animations as what the final version should look like.

The first phase of the Magento project, where wireframes are given to developers, dialog about features, transitions and many other little things happen. While on the other hand, if the design would be given to any independent development company, they would just pass the design to the frontend developers. This will create trouble in understanding the designer’s idea.

In this phase, designers and developers check every feature of the pages for different resolutions and checks for any possible issues which can happen while translating the design into code. To keep all this mind, first people sees that wireframes are all frontends and back end developers.  Wireframes should be first approved by front-end developer, then by the client and in the end, by the design team.

Final Phase

Once the developers are done with their job, it’s time for designers to check and make sure that everything is in place.

This is the final phase where all the small details and issues are found and fixed.  The collaboration between the designer and the developer makes building a Magento development site as efficient as possible.