• Industry : E-Commerce
  • Timeline : Oct 30, 2017
  • Writer : Saima Naz

E-commerce Business, Serving People in Different Modes

Ecommerce business sounds somehow complicated. But, it reflects a risk of turning it into an insignificant exercise or something that provides people a great path to shop online. Ultimately, it becomes important to define the beginning and determination of e-commerce. Also, it surely provides a deeper understanding of the concepts behind the e-commerce platform.

Initially, we can classify its two parameters that make the most of what actually ecommerce is doing.

  • Goods to sell
  • Whom to sell

Therefore, these parameters became the base of ecommerce to sell necessary goods to the people who need them for their living. Those parameters provide necessary analysis and awareness to understand the types of business models and to manage it financially. For instance, people need to fulfill their daily required products and manage their online shopping through such ecommerce platforms. So, e-commerce businesses can sell their physical goods, digital goods, and services to the customers with ease. Therefore, your ecommerce business websites should add and represent all types of services precisely. If you don’t have one, get it designed your professional website from any recognized custom website development agency.

Classification of Ecommerce

There arise many parameters in ecommerce that needs proper evaluation. If we talk about simply air tickets, it means to deal with the availability, seat location, meals, refundable or not, and have to face many complexities. So, if we take eCommerce business to serve people; it will provide a simple direction to serve them. Here, classification of Ecommerce Business becomes quite easier; if we think it as the nature of the participants. It means the two common natural participants are e-commerce businesses and customers.


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Finally, we can create four primary modes of e-commerce business types that are serving people effectively.

  1. Business to Business
  2. Business to Consumer
  3. Consumer to Business
  4. Consumer to Consumer

E-commerce Business Mode 1: Business to Business OR B2B

Business to Business (B2B) means both are businesses and fulfill their needs from each other. This results in the increase of volume and value of B2B e-commerce and becomes famous as well. Such businesses mean whether they can be manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, retailers, and wholesalers etc.


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E-commerce Business Mode 2: Business to Consumer OR B2C

When we talk about e-commerce, generally people have an idea about e-commerce business as B2C. Mostly, the name of Amazon clicks in the mind of people which is the most common example at present. It means, the biggest logic for the rise of business to consumer e-commerce, the elimination of physical stores. But, it also means the complexity and cost of logistics can become an obstacle to the growing B2C e-commerce.


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E-commerce Business Mode 3: Consumer to Business OR C2B

While Consumer to Business e-commerce seems a bit unbalanced. We can say, the online commerce has authorized the consumers to initiate necessities that businesses accomplish. This way, consumer places request and numerous companies bid for engaging the project. In other words, consumer orders for the requirement of a holiday package, several tour and tourism companies offer their services.


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E-commerce Business Mode 4: Consumer to Consumer OR C2C

When people listen about Consumer to Consumer, their minds at once click to eBay. As it is the greatest and widespread ecommerce platform serving as C2C to sell goods to other consumers. Since, eBay is a business and people may also call it C2B2C e-commerce platform according to its provided services.


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Therefore, people have plenty of options to get services from the above four modes of ecommerce businesses. They can realize their values of all modes of such platforms and about their services acquired from them. Moreover, it provides us to make like-to-like evaluations across e-commerce businesses. At the same time, it also supports to realize the understanding of different business modes that e-commerce is serving.