• Industry : E-Commerce
  • Timeline : Oct 05, 2017
  • Writer : Saima Naz

Exploring The Possibilities of e-Commerce Security and Theft

The number of fraud cases constantly increases in e-Commerce. As well as, the ratio of fraud in online transactions also observed quite frequently.  The attempt of fraud does not happen just exclusive to the credit card payments. But, the threats also involve in wide use of malware to facilitate the online banking logins. These things can happen via telephones, tablets and personal computers as well. Thus, the frauds can commit easily through the stolen bank accounts and to make fake payments. Even, the alternative payment procedures also appeal the criminal minds.

Here, we describe how and what the fraud looks like, precisely? The most familiar types of fraud presented below:

According to a survey conducted, the easiest types of fraud cases attempted with the online customers are identity thefts, fraudulent attempts, and account thefts. The credit cards are considered to be the most widespread target.

Identity Theft

Identity Theft becomes quite common among the evil mind criminals across the world to target e-Commerce industry. Their main goal attempts the transactions through using diverse identity. The impostors merely take over an existing identity to fulfill their crime instead of coming up with an absolutely new identity. According to the crime branch report, it considers to become easier for them. Generally, work much faster as well to perform their tricks in this way.

Friendly Fraud System

Another form of crime of fraud surveyed and named as to Friendly Fraud. This sounds responsive than it really presents. Because, the customers place an order and pay to prefer a pull payment method by using credit cards or direct debit. It seems to use this term or method. Then, they purposely initiate a chargeback request, claiming that their credit cards or account details were stolen. Thus, the amount gets reimbursed, but the goods are kept within the company. This type of fraud, system becomes popular chiefly widespread with services in most of the places. The Friendly fraud also happens frequently with the re-shipping. It means the place where the evil mind impostors use stolen data of the payment to pay for their purchases. They get it before the amount sent to their residential addresses.

Clean Fraud

The most impressive type of fraud case that recognizes as Clean Fraud; it’s somehow confusing. In Clean Fraud; cyberpunks use stolen credit cards to make purchases online. But, the purchased transaction at the operated in such a way that fraud revealing functions is bypass or evaded. In this type of clean fraud, the offenders use complete analyses of the fraud revealing methods arranged. Also, an abundant deal of knowledge about the legal owners of their theft credit cards. A boundless deal of precise information then moves into form of entry during the process of payment. The scam discovery solution becomes viral before committing the clean fraud with a card testing process frequently carries out. This includes making economical trial purchases through online just for checking the theft credit card data works or not.

Affiliate Fraud

The impostors involve in two types of Affiliate Fraud variables. Both of them have the equivalent intention or target to plan a successful fraud. The main aim means to collect more money from an affiliate database by controlling the online traffic or through the statistical signups. This way, the committed fraud can be implemented either using an entirely automatic process or by involving actual people to log into websites via fake accounts.

Technical Fraud

This type of fraud means one of the most challenging types of security threats called Technical Fraud. This sort of fraud used within the e-Commerce businesses using various evil techniques and one can’t even think of them. Technical threats commonly faced by e-commerce provider as they have tried their best to set appropriate precautions against this crime. The criminals are using technical fraud attacks, and in precise denial of service attacks. Usually, it aims e-Commerce websites or to services hosted on high profile web-servers. These types of fraud attacks get targeted at banks, credit card processing, online retailers, and also the social networking sites as well.