• Industry : Gamification
  • Timeline : Apr 30, 2018
  • Writer : Saima Naz

Gamification and Its Applications – Presentations That Explain It All

Often touted as the loyalty program on steroids, gamification is the use of game techniques to engage the customers. It is not about playing games per se, but adding motivational elements within a system to reward and incentivize the user each time upon completing a set task. Gamification is also used interchangeably with game thinking.

“Game thinking is the use of games and game-like approaches to solve problems and create better experiences”.

Now these game-like approaches can be applied to almost any industry or business to engage or even convert relevant audience. In this article, we will touch upon gamification tools and explore game thinking applications.

More than just gamification

The upcoming presentation will elaborate how gamification is a universe that is part of a bigger universe called game thinking. So, the next time you see some one use gamification and game thinking interchangeably, just show them this slide deck.

Game Thinking: More than just Gamification from Andrzej Marczewski

Gamification and game thinking

It applies teaching knowledge, skills & abilities using a self- contained game. Also involves the use of game-based techniques to engage people, motivate action promote learning & solve problems. Take a look at the presentation to explore the difference between the key terms.

Gamification and Game-Thinking from Karl Kapp

Game thinking and behavior design

Angry Birds was one of those platforms that employed a compelling gameplay through persuasive design. Game thinking applies a similar and engaging behavior design. Let’s explore the connection between behaviour design and game thinking in shaping effective business transformation strategies.

Game thinking & behaviour design from Dr. Marigo Raftopoulos

Game thinking in consumer apps

All humans have a natural desire to play and to be honest, the notion that we outgrow that stage is false. We are socially trained to contain that desire but upon exposure to playful or game environment, we all tend to enjoy. A similar idea is applied in consumer apps. Let’s take a look.

The Right Way to Apply Game Thinking in Consumer Apps from Ricardo Leon

Gamification 101 – design the player journey

The player is the user interacting with your system and as he progresses through your design, it builds his experience. This is going to be a typical customer journey in which rewards and game dynamics will shape the progress. Check out this elaborate workshop.