Facebook has 1.56 billion daily active users. Which is almost the 5X the population of the United States, 20% of the world population, and they are still increasing. The things we used to imagine at a period of time, i.e. auto and rapid responding via chatbots, 360-degree visuals, selling products, interacting on fingertips throughout the world, are all made possible thanks to Facebook! And if we talk about emails, they are a boon to businesses. It is an excellent way to reach out to your customers and prospects and keep them updated about your brand. Since it is a great technique for marketing, we are witnessing some ever-evolving trends like typography, machine learning, gamification, hyper-personalization, etc., which makes it a go-to for your marketing strategy.
Facebook and email marketing are both quite efficient, and the overall outcome is much higher when used in combination with each other rather than independently. Being a marketer that incorporates email marketing campaign with Facebook will give a boost to your business.
The notion that Facebook is an ultimate tool for reaching new customers is a myth. Facebook and email marketing are two entirely distinct kinds of marketing. Both can encourage sales, but they also offer a number of different advantages. Successful digital marketing is not just about getting an email opt-in or a single Facebook like, but rather about getting both. The connection between building a social media and an email relationship cannot be understated as if you were asking for one; you should be working towards the other.
Although different marketing platforms function very efficiently on their own, joining forces and incorporating both Facebook and email marketing can significantly boost overall performance. As marketing campaigns for both Facebook and email work together, you will get to see an increase in likes and followers on Facebook, more email sign-ups, and more overall engagement and response.
There’s really no better time than now to begin managing your advertising spending better by using your email list to deliver better targeting for Facebook ads. Here, we will discuss ways you can use both of them collectively to boost your marketing success.
Adding Facebook icons on your emails is a must. These icons must lead the users directly to your Facebook page. Moreover, it can improve your reputation and brand awareness. Thus, featuring icons and links to your Facebook page in each email campaign is indeed an excellent way to integrate both marketing campaigns.
It is always more convenient to click a ‘Share’ button rather than forwarding the link to your friends. Either they are blogs, announcement or any other stuff. With the presence of a ‘Share’ button, it is always easy to tweet, like or share. It is one of the tried and tested way of extending your reach. Thus, the more trust you build with the audience, then more probably they would open your emails, click through your landing pages, and convert.
Just as you would like to promote Facebook through your email, you want to promote email sign-ups and off-Facebook leads on your Facebook page. A lot of people simply will like your Facebook page before they see a place to sign up for email. And that’s particularly true when they’ve found you on Facebook.
Hosting contests that feature contest apps can result in a significant increase in email sign-ups when properly implemented. There have been a lot of great Facebook contest applications that focus on email sign-ups and off-Facebook leads instead of Facebook likes. It’s a brilliant way to motivate your followers to sign up for your email list.
An announcement is necessary for every initiative you are going to take, whether it is the creation of a Facebook page or anything else. Users quite often ignore icons or merely don’t scroll down to the bottom of the email to see a link to social networks. So, make an announcement of your Facebook page through email and encourage them to follow you.
Emails will continue to become even more personal, and Facebook will remain home to millions of users around the world. If you’re not integrating the two until now, you’re losing out on a massive business opportunity. As a marketer, you’re used to set targets. However, most of the time you set micro-goals for particular campaigns, such as planning to hit a certain conversion rate on your most recent promotional email. This time, take a macro approach and set goals to make the most of email marketing campaign with Facebook.