• Industry : News Categories
  • Timeline : Apr 27, 2020
  • Writer : Arpatech Website

Making Work-from-Home Effective during COVID-19 Pandemic

Working from home is the latest reality for many workers in the US, and the world, as the coronavirus spreads. While people these days are away from the public spaces, they are available online.


Companies are shutting down their offices due to the coronavirus, and for many, the possibility of working remotely is now a way of life— and simply inescapable. From setting up a VPN to accessing work files to having a decent workout indoors, WFH is the new “normal”!


Even if you’ve done it previously, working from home can feel like a whole new thing now because of the coronavirus: It’s all sudden and might last for a longer period of time.


Some of employers’ biggest concerns involve workers struggling with loneliness, managing their time, and communication with team members.


Although all of this can be challenging, having a workable strategy can help you make it through.


Set up Your Workstation



One simply cannot concentrate on the work while sitting in the living room with family around. You need a dedicated spot where you shouldn’t get distracted and deliver the work with greater concentration. If possible, set up a work desk in your bedroom or some other suitable place. By doing so, you will get a feeling of working in a proper office setting.


Make Use of Proper Technology



Properly check your computer system, internet connectivity, networking tools, emails and video conferencing devices you need to work from home. You should have a good internet connection, which must be VPN-protected, while you work remotely.

Data is essential and valuable. So, it’s your duty to secure and protect your data from interruption. You can get your laptop or desktop checked by your office network administrator, if necessary.


Good Gears Are Essential


A proper computer is an essential item, whether you are using a desktop with a large display or a portable laptop that can be deployed throughout your home. Make sure it has a soft keyboard, a video calling camera, and cybersecurity software to secure data. Moreover, in case of a power failure, or virus or hardware breakdown, a good backup solution is also necessary.


Keep Track of Your Time


Just as you designate and separate your physical workspace, you must be specific about when you are working and when you are not. If you stick with your regular hours, you can get the best work done and be more prepared for the transition back to the office. Also, if your job is collaborative, it makes it much simpler to be on the same timeline as your coworkers.

With the help of time-tracking apps, you can keep track of working hours by logging in the start and end time of tasks, ventures, and issues. You can use the time-sheets to prevent any confusion and send them to the managers or employer for approval.


Fix Issues Related to Wi-Fi



As most devices now connect wirelessly, your home work experience can rely a great deal on your Wi-Fi efficiency. Several devices that run on one network will create internal traffic issues and downgrade performance while working remotely.

If you’ve had more than five years with the same router, now may be a perfect time to upgrade. Newer routers deliver wireless dual- and tri-band networks. You can easily segment the wireless network into two networks with newer, multi-band routers: 2,4 GHz and 5 GHz.

The 5 GHz network is a faster, broader wireless band with less interference and is suitable for connecting to, teleconferencing or transferring huge files while accessing business applications.


Ensure Security of Home Network



Always ensure that all devices on your home network, and those you use for business, have the latest software upgrades (which often contain necessary security patches) as well as any anti-virus software upgrades.


Communication is Key


If you haven’t worked from home previously, there would definitely be some hiccups along the way if you suddenly have to go entirely remote. Communication — particularly with the manager and direct reports — is the secret to driving through these bumps.

Come up with a strategy that sets out goals as to how much you will check in and how you’re going to communicate any changes or new tasks. Do the same for anyone you usually deal during the working hours.

So, you needn’t just stick to text-based communication. You may find it better to check in over the phone or via video chat with your manager and coworkers. This would reduce miscommunication and break up some of the social isolation that can emerge during work from home.