• Industry : Cloud Computing
  • Timeline : Sep 01, 2020
  • Writer : Saima Naz

Secure Data Management Within and Across Data Centers

Over the past few decades, cloud computing and modern technology have led to the revolutionization of how we collect data, process it, and store it. Small and large business enterprises are moving their infrastructure to the cloud in recent years, because of two main reasons: massive storage capacity and accessibility. Encrypting the data keeps it secure – and therefore, managing secure data is something you need to be familiar with.


Although there have been improvements in maintaining data security in recent years, it’s still far from satisfactory. Data centers keep valuable and sensitive information, which is why they need to implement firm security protocols, both virtually and physically. Once data centers can implement a good architecture to protect their data, they can be safe and implement their security policies. You need to consider different parameters before selecting which data centers are right for your needs. In this piece, we will address what data center security should entail and how you can make sure your data remain safe on the cloud.


What is data center security?

By definition, a data center is a facility where organizations can store large amounts of data. These facilities have a robust IT infrastructure, designed to ensure the safety of data at different points. Organizations storing data at these data centers can organize, process, and store their data, and recover, backup, and do more with the data no matter where they are, and at any time. Data centers store critical data, which is why they have to ensure security at a high level to protect their users.


Factors that Govern the Effectiveness of Data Centers

There are three things that matter:

  • Physical security
  • Restricted and managing access
  • Setting up tested security protocols and measures


Each of these components comprises different elements, which ensure the effectiveness of one another. All of these can ensure maximum security, surveillance, and access to locations remotely, and ensure multiple authentication protocols. Together they ensure a high level of security and compliance with security policies. Before selecting a data center, make sure you look into how they ensure security and whether they implement best practices to protect data.


5 Best Practices That Ensure Data Center Security

Having addressed the basics of data center security, now let us address five best practices that you can look out for to ensure maximum virtual and physical security. It is not possible to list all the best practices, so we have selected the top 5, which are as follows:


Appropriate Physical Data Center Security

For proper physical data security, one must look out for certain factors. The main concern one must have is the facility architecture. The offices must be independent, to keep limited access and protect the data. The windows and walls must be bulletproof, there must be few windows, and personnel should guard each corner of the building against threats. The environment generally must be secure.

Monitor and Restrict Access

One major threat to avoid is human error. Data centers must ensure that the personnel who have access to the data are trained and do not have access to key assets without proper authorization. Unauthorized personnel should not be able to enter or access the restricted rooms, nor gain control of any server. There must be layers of security protocols that can be both digital and physical, such as the use of biometrics, retinal scans, etc.

Efficient Network Security

Network security is more of a virtual protocol. It involves using technology and different tools to ensure the security of data. Networks must have proper firewalls setup, there must be intrusion detection systems, and ways to monitor and inspect the traffic. This is necessary to keep hackers out. Most data centers also use ACLs (Access Control Lists) to make their defenses robust and impenetrable.

Data Protection (Encryption and Monitoring)

It is not possible to separate data security from data center security. To ensure protecting one or both, it is necessary to encrypt the data, especially during transfer. It is also important to monitor the data all the time and maintain regular backups. The use of strong passwords is also highly recommended.

Latest Technologically Advanced Infrastructure

It is necessary to ensure the data center uses the latest technology and there is no redundant infrastructure. Redundancy means leaving data sensitive or liable to threats like hackers. There must also be minimal downtime to prevent risks of losing firewalls and protective measures. Using the latest technology can also ensure there are fewer human errors.

Conclusively, the right data center would ensure implementing all the best practices and infrastructure to manage and protect data across the entire facility.