• Industry : Digital Marketing
  • Timeline : Jul 03, 2017
  • Writer : Saima Naz

Smart Ways To Get High-Quality Backlinks

Link building is considered one of the ideal and most operative parts of SEO tactics. It is also said to be one of the most creative ways to generate organic traffic towards your website. To create the worth of any website, backlinks play a vital role to identify the search engine about its positive existence.


A backlink is a link to your website, any social website, or any content you are looking brand it as mentioned by any third-party. There are several ways to create backlinks for your website and some of them permit you to associate on the success of your competitors. It depends upon the condition whether how good or great such links are and how they are well structured on the source sites and the domain authority of the mentioning website.

Quality Backlinks

Quality backlink executes a vital role in performing SEO services for any website. Google observes these backlinks as a degree for votes, accepts and gives the significance in search to companies with the extreme number of high quality and appropriate backlinks. The worth of the website depends upon these quality backlinks where they are placed on third parties’ website.

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Types of Backlinks

There are two main types of backlink that you can obtain from different external websites. The Dofollow links and Nofollow links.

The Dofollow link is the one you want to get for passing the value to your website. It is an inbound link that has the capability to pass the authority from one page to another. It generally builds its worth and rankings in search engine result pages – SERP.

While a Nofollow link absolute opposite from dofollow link. It never passes a value to your website and has much impact on building the authority of the page in search engine.

Generating High Quality Backlinks

  1. Secure Product Reviews

You can get high-quality backlinks from any powerful website’s product reviews. It is occasional that any publication will not include your link as dofollow after reviewing your request but you can simply request for adding the link.

  1. Guest Posting

Guest posting is one of the ideal ways for obtaining a valuable link from any guest post websites. Because when you contribute to the higher page(s) ranked websites or also to lesser recognized blogs that still have a noteworthy targeted audience. You can concentrate on the reliability and significance of the website you are following, as it will always gain tenfold. Must get the host to approve to contain a follow backlink from the website to yours website and for you to public it on social media and link it to your own website.

  1. Visual Content Links

It is also effective for you to create visual content links to make it publicly viral. This way, you can create and share visually attractive content so that these types of interesting stories can drive attention and engagement to the readers. As you may have known, the infographics receive three times as many values on social media platforms as any other sort of content does.

  1. Q&A Interviews

You can also create round-up interview posts like to be interviewed by using any relevant industrial topics so that you can generate a positive high-quality backlink in this way. It will be a fruitful way to get value passed to your website through these types of interviews where your website’s link is placed.