• Industry : Drupal
  • Timeline : Apr 14, 2017
  • Writer : Saima Naz

Some Main Things to Know About the Drupal Website Security

Drupal, among all the website building platform,  gives the best security to your website. Big brands and business websites like the White House, French Government, New Zealand Government, British Council, and the Embassy of the UAE in Washington are all built with Drupal.

The owners of these big websites trust Drupal and feel safe. There must be good reasons for that! Let’s dive into the details and read out some prominent features that make Drupal secure.

If you are planning to create a Drupal website, or already have one, then you are welcome to read about these Drupal website Security benefits and some tips as how to utilize them in the proper way.

Drupal Website Security

The Drupal Security Team is always available

The Drupal own security team includes a team of expert professionals from across the globe. They continuously analyze Drupal core and modules, view security reports, respond to the security issues arises, cooperate with the module maintainers, prepare and release fixes. Anyone can contact them to report for errors or get assistance.

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Continuous core and module updates

Drupal core and contributed modules are constantly updated to provide the high level of functionality and security for your website. Make sure to run the recommended core and module updates for your Drupal website. Old modules should be removed instantly.

In terms of security for custom code, ensures it is written well and accordingly to the Drupal coding standards.

If your site is running on Drupal 6 or on any previous version, do upgrade them to Drupal 7 or Drupal 8 which are now the only two latest versions supported by the Drupal community and, get regular security updates for better performance.

A convenient user role and permission system

Drupal offers flexible and convenient options for granting permissions to the website’s users or groups of users. Be very sure who you are granting the access to your website. Pay special attention to the roles that are allowed to run PHP code on your Drupal site. It is a safe idea to remove PHP input filter from your Drupal site.

Good news, in Drupal 8, it is no longer even available.

Data encryption

In Drupal, passwords are encrypted with multiple parameters (length, expiration, complexity etc.). Also, a strong database encryption can be configured, with a variety of options to protect the specific information. Make use of it to get advanced security for your website.

Limited login attempts

Drupal helps prevent from intrusions by limiting the number of login attempts from the same IP address for a particular period of time. You can also keep track of all these login attempts through the administrative interface.

Form API

The purpose of Form API is to clean and validate the data before submitting into the database. It tests the data entered by users to match the specific formats and parameters.

The End

Drupal is the most secure, open CMS platform.  Follow these Drupal security guidelines and prevent your Drupal site from cyber attacks.