• Industry : Cybersecurity
  • Timeline : Feb 02, 2022
  • Writer : Saima Naz

Tips to Protect Your Website from Hackers

You may be under the impression that your site is completely protected, away from the reach of hackers and cybercriminals. Wrong. The fact is, your website is always prone to being hacked. Hacking is the worst thing that can happen to a website, especially when your entire business depends on online orders or recent trends.

However, not every website is hacked with the purpose of stealing data or undermining it; many hackers do so with the object of setting up temporary and web files that are illegal in nature. Nevertheless, it is a terrible experience for your business and for the website itself.

Although there are a plethora of many antivirus software programs that help prevent hacking, hackers do sometimes manage to succeed in this malicious activity. So, here we have a few tips on how you can secure your website against hackers.

1.     Secure Password

This is the most common and most effective tip you can get.

This technique helps you prevent login attempts from hackers by securing it with a strong password. It is convenient to choose a password that is easy to remember, but an easy password doesn’t secure your login against hacking. Keep your password long with a combination of uppercase letters, special characters, and numbers.

You must ensure that everyone in your team with access to the website has a similarly strong password because one wrong password can ruin everything for your website.

2.    Data Backup

You must have a fully maintained backup of your website data. It will help keep your data secure if anything happens to your website. Backing up data regularly and storing the key files will protect your website from the threats of ransomware and corrupted files, enabling you to recover the lost data quickly.

3.    Admin Directories

Rename your Admin directories or find a way to make it harder for hackers to find them. To avoid hacks, you can also disable the directory or alter the site scripts to eliminate them from search engines.

4.    Use VPN

If you are always on the go, you must connect to public Wi-Fi networks all the time. But, do you know that public Wi-Fi is your enemy?

These Wi-Fi networks do not offer any security and logging in to them is an open invitation to hackers. To avoid this, you must always use a VPN. A good VPN provides extra security and benefit to your website so that you can chill and work at any coffee shop with no fear of having your website compromised.

5.    Error Messages

Be careful not to use your information in error messages. Providing minimum errors to your users will ensure that your secret information is not leaked on your servers. Keep them simple and avoid ambiguity. Detailed error messages facilitate criminals in hacking your website.

The Bottom Line

There are many tips to protect your website against hacking. Securing your website has become the biggest part of keeping your site safe and secure in the long run. These are the necessary safety measures that must always be used. Remember, hacking is avoidable only if you strictly follow the required guidelines.