• Industry : Artificial Intelligence
  • Timeline : Aug 15, 2019
  • Writer : Saima Naz

Top 10 Machine Learning Tools in 2019

Machine Learning which leads all other jobs among technology world. Data Science and Machine Learning are playing a boss role for all other technologies. Be it restorative or building it is adaptable to serve all sort of fields. To deal with Data Science, we should have the top Machine Learning tools, software, and frameworks to work on. These tools should give the outcomes which lead to 100% accuracy as we have an immense measure of training data which may be totally messy (in most cases). What’s more? These tools give the best results when we build well-defined software for them. However today, a machine can act by itself and is working well in this environment. This fruitful change is only achievable by making machine learning tools much effective. There are a lot of machine learning tools for beginners. The absolute best machine learning software and tools to learn in 2019 are mentioned below irrespective of any ranking:


1. Google Cloud ML Engine

Data, if look closely it has detailing in it and if talking about individual’s data all around the world then you have millions and billions of training data. Your PC will not be able to execute this much long listing or even your algorithm doesn’t work here. What will you do now? Here comes a tool named as Google Cloud ML Engine. This tool can let your data train the way you want. Data scientists run their high-quality machine learning models using this tool.


Key Features:
  • Gives ML model building, predictive modelling, training, and deep learning.
  • Prediction and training can be used in both ways either jointly or independently.
  • Google Cloud ML Engine is utilized by the ventures to work on client’s email or messages or to detect the clouds you have in the image captured by satellites.
  • It very well may be utilized to prepare an unpredictable and complex model.

2. Amazon Machine Learning (AML)

A cloud-based machine learning software which is strong and easy to use by the developers working on different levels. To generate predictions and building high-quality machine learning models, developers are using this tool. Data integration is done by coordinating different sources like Amazon S3 and more.

Key Features:
  • The highlighted features AML provides are the visualization tools and wizards.
  • Binary classification, multi-class classification, and regression models are utilized.
  • MySQL database utilization to create data source object.
  • Amazon Redshift is another source provided where data is stored from which you can create data source object.
  • Evaluating the concepts of Data sources, ML models, Evaluations, Batch predictions, and Real-time predictions.

3. Apache Mahout

A simple framework works on linear algebra and expressed in Scala DSL. A free and open source undertaking of the Apache Software Foundation. This system works on the objective of implementing the algorithm rapidly for information researchers, mathematicians, and analysts.

Key Features:
  • Helps in building adaptable algorithms by the framework which is designed to allow new capabilities and functionality.
  • Perform machine learning techniques, some of them are clustering, classification, and recommendation.
  • It incorporates matrix and vector libraries which helps in handling the data easily.
  • It used the paradigm of MapReduce and Apache Hadoop.

4. Accord.NET

Another machine learning framework which work on both audio and image processing libraries written in C# is Accord.NET. It comprises of different libraries having a wide scope of utilization incorporating linear algebra, pattern recognition, and statistical data processing.

Accord.Math, Accord.Statistics, and Accord.MachineLearning are the libraries working for Acoord.NET.

Key Features:
  • Accord.NET helps in multiple departments like signal processing, computer vision, computer audition and statistics applications.
  • Comprises of in excess of 40 parametric and non-parametric estimation of statistical distributions.
  • Having hypothesis testing ability which includes more than 35 tests like non-parametric tests, one way and two-way ANOVA tests, and more.
  • Having more than 38 Kernal functions.

5. Shogun

Shogun, an open source machine learning library created in 1999 by Soeren Sonnenburg and Gunnar Raetsch. A C++ written tool which solves machine learning problems by the algorithms and data structures it provides. It bolsters numerous languages like Python, R, Octave, Java, C#, Ruby, Lua, and so on.

Key Features:
  • The development of this tool is done for large scale learning.
  • It centers around Kernal machines like support vector machines for classification and regression problem.
  • It helps in connecting other machine learning libraries like LibSVM, LibLinear, SVMLight, LibOCAS, and more.
  • Python, Lua, Octave, Java, C#, Ruby, MatLab, and R can use the interface of this tool.
  • Data that can be processed on this tool can be in million samples.

6. Oryx 2

An acknowledgment of the lambda engineering. Oryx 2 is based on Apache Spark and Apache Kafka. It is utilized for ongoing enormous machine learning works. Oryx 2 works for developing applications like end-to-end applications for filtering, classification, regression, and clustering. Oryx 2.8.0 is the latest version running in the market.

Key Features:
  • Updated version of Oryx 1 with more advancements to lead the data with accuracy.


  • Generic lambda architecture tier
  • Specialization on top providing ML abstractions
  • End-to-end implementation of the same standard ML algorithms


  • Batch layer
  • Speed layer
  • Serving layer

Also a data transport layer is there for transferring the data among layers to receive the input from external sources.

7. Apache Singa

In 2014, Apache Singa came into existence by DB System Group at the National University of Singapore in a joint effort with the database group of Zhejiang University. This software used for Natural Language Processing (NLP) and image recognition and bolster a wide scope of mainstream deep learning models. This software comprises three fundamental parts: Core, IO, and Model.

Key Features:
  • Adaptable engineering for versatile distributive training
  • Tensor abstraction is taken into account further developed machine learning models
  • This device incorporates upgraded IO classes for composing, learning, encoding and decoding documents and information
  • This device incorporates upgraded IO classes for composing, learning, encoding and decoding documents and information
  • Device essential featuring is supported for running on hardware devices

8. Google ML Kit for Mobile

It is safe to say that you are a versatile developer? No worries. Google’s Android Team brings an ML KIT for you which bundles up the machine learning aptitude and innovation to grow progressively robust, customized, and advanced applications to keep running on a gadget. You can utilize this instrument for face and image recognition, image labelling, locating places and standardized identification examining applications.

Key Features:
  • It offers ground-breaking advancements
  • Run on a specific device or in the devices connected with cloud system
  • Works on the solutions by making custom models

9. Apple’s Core ML

To integrate machine learning models into your app another machine learning framework is playing a role known as Apple’s Core ML. Use your ML model by dropping it’s file into your project and the Objective-C or Swift wrapper class consequently is formed by the Xcode.

This software provides maximum execution and extreme performance on every processor you are using (CPU and GPU).

Key Features:
  • Goes about as an establishment for the systems and functions that are domain-specific
  • On-device performance is optimized at maximum level
  • It is easy to understand by low-level natives

10.  TensorFlow

TensorFlow is another big name known by every machine learning expert. Created by Google for building ML models on its open-source platform. It has an adaptable plan of libraries and assets that enable developers to create applications.

Key Features:
  • A listing of deep learning mechanism
  • Exceedingly adaptable open-source software
  • Using high-level APIs to train and execute the ML models
  • Making numerical calculations easy by data flow graphs