Since, we have witnessed that 2016 passed greatly. A large number of technologies and trends get introduced in the past years. Like, Docker v1.12 released and AWS got some powerful instances types. Moreover, the hybrid cloud (both private and public) became the first choice for enterprises and many more trends.
Here, I am going to share your some latest DevOps trends of 2017 in this blog post.
But, let me give you an introduction to DevOps. DevOps actually serves the collaboration of Development and Operation team to work together. Like, it becomes one unit rather than working the old traditional way. Although, the Agile methodology did great where the development and operation team worked individually. So, it serves to develop any software or fulfill the services.
Ideally, the old traditional method consume time. It lacked the understanding between the team of software development, leading it to customer dissatisfaction. Almost, we are now adopting DevOps as culture for more fast, efficient and reliable software delivery.
Here, are some DevOps features:
DevOps consists of 5 C’s which gives high productivity, less bugs, enhanced and communication. Probably, it provides quick way to resolve issues, more reliable and much more. The 5 C’s of DevOps are:
Since, the name sounds as microservices becomes an architectural way to develop the complex applications. So, it has the ability to create smaller modules through division. Precisely, Microservices can help the developers to decide how to use, design, which language to choose and platform to run and deploy.
Some advantages of microservices:
Although, containers create virtual environment, allows to run multiple application or OS without interruption. Another, container which one can deploy the application quickly and consistently. Because, the containers have their own CPU, memory, network resources and block I/O. Therefore, it shares with the kernel of host operating system. Thus, lightweight can run directly within host machine. So, you will find some advantages of Containers presented below:
Due to, the automation, arrangement, coordination and management of containers is container orchestration. Finally, various features of container orchestration include:
Also, the task of a developer limits to launch a cluster of container instances. Surely, it allots the tasks which requires to run. Yet, the management of all the containers perform the tasks through orchestration.
It allows the developer to define the task where they require to specify the number of containers. Therefore, they fulfill the task and the dependencies. Moreover, one task can launch through single task definition.
Although, simple API calls now you can register and de-register tasks, launch and stop Docker containers.
Seems like, load balancing actually helps in distributing traffic across the containers or deployment.
In addition, you can now monitor your CPU and memory usage of the running tasks. Hence, it also gets notified if scaling requires through containers. Consequently, some tools used for container orchestration (both paid and open source) are Kubernetes, Docker Swan, Google Containers and Microsoft Containers. Precisely, it becomes clear now and evident that 2017 is going to face a lot more changes, new and innovative ways for DevOps.