• Industry : News Categories
  • Timeline : Sep 14, 2016
  • Writer : Saima Naz

When is Google’s birthday? The Only thing wrong with the Google’s 18th birthday celebratory doodle

As a tradition followed each year, it’s time for wishing Google Happy birthday. Just like every other search engine growing older google is also aging, jokes apart there is still a lot of controversy regarding the date 27th of September being the official birth date of google. Tracking back the records and doing some research clearly reveals that the ever so phenomenal search engine has celebrated six times its 18th birthday till date. This means that there is something seriously going wrong with the Google’s Birthday Celebratory Doodle. Let’s dig a little deeper into this, shall we by considering some evident facts:

There is a date when the company was conceived in the garage then we have the date when the company was officially incorporated and last but not the least comes the date when the Google site was first launched. Confusing much! We are too but let’s simplify it as the birth date of the company is what it chooses it to be, still, we cannot ignore the fact that the only thing wrong with the Google’s 18th birthday celebratory doodle is that it has clearly stopped aging.

Though what is an alarming moment of real concern is that why has a universally acknowledged search engine not given any importance to that! Well, it is evident that the date of birth of google has varied over the years. So it may be considered that not even our dear Google knows how old it is and what exactly is its real birth date. Nevertheless, we still wish it many more years of success and thank it for making our lives much easier by providing exceptional quality searching capabilities. Let’s face it that our lives have been affected in one way or the other ever since the invention of it 