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7 Common Myths About iOS

7 Common Myths About iOS

iOS is the most popular mobile operating platform. From iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks, to Apple watch, IOS products have gained worldwide recognition for their smooth performance, classy designs, and user-friendliness. Apart from its many advantages, iOS, like many other platforms, is plagued with myths and misunderstandings that people assume to be real. These are the myths that contribute to their customer base being thrown off.

So, we’re here to dispel some popular iOS myths that need to be dispelled right away. You’ve arrived at the perfect place if you’re looking to buy an Apple product shortly. Let’s get started.

1. Apple Tracks Your Location

In early 2011, a rumor regarding iOS started circulating that it uses iPhone to track people’s location without their knowledge. The rumor was spread by some tech researchers who claimed that they had found tracking codes in Apple iOS.

This myth stayed in the tech industry for a while until Apple took the matter into its hands and released a statement, denying the claims and admitting that they use data, with the aim of providing iPhone users a better traffic service. Despite the clarification, some people still believe in this myth to date.

2. Insecure Touch ID

It is true that Touch ID has some drawbacks and they are present in every mobile operating platform. It is possible that it can be exploited but in practical circumstances, the chances of its occurrence are highly unlikely. Why? Because it is not a spy novel and hacking a Touch ID is definitely not worth it.

The bottom line: the Touch ID is as secure as other biometric authentication methods. Touch ID doesn’t make your personal information easy to access. Like many other mobile platforms, iOS does have some vulnerabilities, but Touch ID is surely not one.

3. iOS Apps Have No Future

It is true that Android applications are being developed abundantly all around the world. They sure have given a tough to iOS applications. However, this doesn’t indicate that iOS applications have no future. Nowadays, apps are becoming advanced and both platforms share some common apps as well. The truth is whichever app caters to the larger audience is going to stay no matter the platform it is associated with. Therefore, believing that iOS apps are not going to last is a myth that needs to be dumped right now.

4. Immune to Malware

Many users believe that iOS is a closed system, so it is impossible to catch malware on an iOS device. Even though every app that Apple launches and lists in App Store is reviewed by the company itself; however, it is possible that with infected apps, your phone’s security can be compromised. Such events are possible in iOS just like in any other mobile operating platform.

The security is in your hands. What can you do about it? It is simple: never connect to the Wi-Fi networks in a public place. It is one of the factors you must be extremely careful of. Even if you are connecting the Wi-Fi you have previously used, a hacker could use that and hack your personal information. Whether you are using an iOS or an Android device, you must pay attention to this security concern at all times.

5. iOS is Going Out of Business

Since the inception of iOS devices, the myth about them going out of the business has been running in the industry. Unfortunately, according to some tech journalists, Apple is a step away from bankruptcy with no significant proof to support the claim.

Apple is a tech giant that has its products used all over the world, gaining maximum profit. So, the misconception about its shutdown doesn’t make sense. These rumors surface from time to time when iOS launches a new phone or comes up with a software update. Critics have also stated that Apple will soon be pushed out of the computer hardware business.

6. Apple Products Aren’t Costly

People who are aware of modern gadgets and tech trends very well know that iOS product are costly. Even if you come up with hundred justifications, the fact about its hiking price can’t be denied. There is no doubt that Apple products are superior with their manufacture, designs, software programs, touch-screen magic, minimalistic perfection, and more which add to the skyrocketing price of its products in the market.

The interesting bit is people are also willing to invest the desired amount for the superior quality of iOS for the magnificent user experience. However, Apple is not a brand for rich people only. The brand-new iOS products may cost you a lot, but the slightly older versions fall into the same category of price as they do in any other mobile operating platform.

7. iPhone is Better than Android

This is the most common belief that once you start using iOS devices, there is no going back. However, it is not true as many people keep switching from Apple to Android. It entirely depends upon the preference and the style of a user. You can use both and decide which is the right pick for you. Certainly, iOS has strong loyalty associated with the name, but it doesn’t mean that people cannot find its products suitable for their needs.

The Bottom Line

The myths listed above clearly show when a company has a big name in the industry, myths and misconceptions become part and parcel of its identity. Like many other successful operating platforms, iOS is a myth magnet. As a user, it is your responsibility to do your research and learn the reality of every myth before you decide to believe it.

Saima Naz

Apr 19, 2022

6 Common Myths About Android

6 Common Myths About Android

Android is the most used mobile operating system all around the world. With a massive following, Android is the subject of many myths and misconceptions about its functions, complexities, performance, life, security, and more. Unfortunately, many people believe them to be true. These myths have existed for a long time, causing prospective Android buyers to look for other huge rival: iOS

Whether you are a regular Android user or have just started taking interest in its gadgets, you must learn about some of the myths about Android and we are here to bust them for you. So, let’s get started.

1. Malware Infected

The existence of critical vulnerability is one of the oldest myths about Android devices. The critics claim that iPhone is safe from malware, whereas Android is its hub. Malware exists in Android as in any other operating platform and all of them need to be protected against these risks. The average user needs to be careful about catching malware on either of the platforms.

If you only download applications from Google Play Store and avoid third-party sources, you are already on the right path to safety. All you need is a bit of common sense to avoid malware. How? Think twice before clicking in-app ads, suspicious links, and unknown email attachments while browsing.

2. Performance Issues

Android is often compared to iOS and one of the persistent myths about Android is that it has more performance issues than an iOS device. The operating system itself and its apps are rumored to suffer from big issues that impact performance. True, in the early days of its development, Android devices used to lag and crash frequently; this issue was also reported in other operating platforms.

Users fail to understand that there are several other factors that contribute to the performance problems as well, such as underpowered hardware, badly optimized third-party apps, software’s excessive manufacturer customization, and more. Not just Android, these problems occur in any other mobile operating platform that needs up-to-date devices and secure apps to prevent it from happening.

3. Poor Apps

Many people say that Android always gets bad apps. This is true that iOS gets access to some of the apps right after they launch, but that doesn’t indicate that Android stays deprived of them or receives all the worthless apps.

In fact, many developers prefer creating applications for Android or the Google platform for its big number of users. With technological advancement, apps arrive on both platforms at the same time and are updated on the same schedules. Moreover, if an app is released on iOS first and on Android later, the gap between the two intervals is negligible to cause any problem.

It is important to understand that the nature of the two platforms, their programming languages, operating systems, and more are very different to be compared. Therefore, assuming that Android releases all the bad apps because developers prioritize iOS over Android is untrue and users should not believe that.

4. Complicated to Use

Like many other myths, Android haters portray that it’s a complicated system that can only be used by a computer genius. This is not even close to reality. Every system seems difficult to understand in the beginning.

However, the modern versions of Android incorporate a set of guidelines to help you through getting your device online and adding your accounts. It allows you to use the device normally for calls, texts, social media, photography, browsing, and more.

Some people find the Settings menu of Android devices a bit confusing, but it is the same for iOS as well. For someone who has never used Android, it can be a little overwhelming at first. However, with experience, users learn their ropes around new devices and platforms, for Android as well as iOS.

5. Same Looks on Every Device

One of the misconceptions surrounding Android devices is that they appear the same on every smartphone. This is not true because Android has several series of smartphones running on the same platform. And since they are open source and customizable, it can look different on every phone, especially if you are comparing the newer phones with older ones.

Moreover, not every Android device runs the same version of the operating system, which indicates that it cannot look the same on every device. So, if the last Android smartphone you used a few years ago was an older version, there are strong chances that the new Android devices will show you a considerable difference. This is not the case with Android only; even if you use an old iOS three to four years ago, chances are that you won’t like it now.

Additionally, manufacturers are paying attention to the usability of software programs. This means that new smartphones will not have the same old look with slow-loading animations and lagging applications.

6. Android is Insecure

The myth that it is an insecure operating platform has been surrounding Android devices for a long time. However, it was true only in its initial iterations. Now, Google has taken serious measures to make it a better platform so that the myth doesn’t hold true any more. Google has introduced two moves to keep a check on security: Android security updates and the integrated Play Store App check.

As a user, it is your responsibility to be careful of your browsing conduct, unverified or unreliable software programs, and malicious links.

The Bottom Line

You will always find a myth about one thing or another. What you need to understand is that you cannot believe every review you hear; most of them come from biased opinions that are meant to misguide you. Just because a few people have had a bad experience using Android, doesn’t make it a bad choice for you. Create your own experience and then form an opinion. Moreover, the problems that a user faces on Android, may also come across on other operating platforms.

Saima Naz

Apr 8, 2022

8 Signs your Website Needs a Redesign

8 Signs your Website Needs a Redesign

A website is your most powerful weapon for business marketing. It gives your information to prospective clients and helps convert visitors to customers. Do you know that 81% users do not choose the business with poor or old-school websites? And 39% would rethink before they take your services if your website is not user-friendly or looks stale.

With the evolving trends in the market, even the newest ideas get boring soon and require revamping every now and then. Similarly, a website needs an upgrade when it starts to appear dull. There are no thumb rules that can determine your website needs a redesign. But a few major signs can certainly help. Let’s take a look.

1. Website is Slow

No one likes to wait for the web page to load. This is the point where the site visitor loses interest and closes the page. As a business owner, your aim for the loading time should be 5 seconds. Slow loading can have multiple reasons such as heavy unoptimized videos and images, overloaded plugins, bad themes, unpowered hosting, and more.

This calls for a redesign of your website. It will not only give your website a fresh and professional look, it will also increase website conversion with faster page loads. Moreover, a redesign is your most cost-effective option to fix critical issues in the website.

2. Higher Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is a critical part of a website. You invest your time, energy, and resources into your business, but when your audience visits the homepage, they immediately get turned off. It’s an ominous sign that can lead to losing out on great leads and potential clients.

A bounce rate is a sign that you are doing something wrong and you have to figure out the underlying problem. It may be your navigation, the speed, content, or the overall website. On average, the bounce rate between 40% – 60% is normal, although it may not be the same for every industry. The safe way to fix the bounce rate issue is by redesigning your website. Google Analytics helps you check your website’s bounce rate. If it is high, follow the tips to decrease the rate. The last resort is surely a website redesign.

3. Poor Traffic and Sales

Website is built with a purpose of generating traffic and if it fails to do that, it is a problem. If you have been observing great dip in the leads and traffic for some time, it shows that your visitors do not find your website interesting enough to stay longer. Conversion is already a difficult process and a bad website adds to the problem.

To provide great experience to your users, you must ensure easy navigation, engaging content, effective call-to-action, and more. You can easily achieve all this with a redesign to upgrade the overall website and bring it back to the competitive market.

4. Old Website

Old is gold. But not when it comes to a business website.

An old website shows that your business is boring and doesn’t have much to offer. There is no set expiration date for a website but if you have used a website for three to five years, then you must seek a redesign. It is because technology changes quickly and you need to be at the top of your game by using the best search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and more.

So, do your business a favor and turn your three- to five-year-old website into something that can positively impact your business’s growth.

5. No Search Results

Half of the battle for your website is the correct search engine optimization. Creating content that has all the necessary keywords is important for your website to rank high on search results. It is a solid foundation that a website must have; if not, everything automatically goes to waste.

If your website ranks low or doesn’t rank at all on the search engines such as Google and Bing, it reflects poorly on your business. So, you need to put efforts in you search engine ranking and stay on page 1 of search results — all by redesigning your website.

6. Change in Business

If your business has changed and you no longer offer the services available on your website, you must redesign your website as soon as possible. Naturally, businesses change with time. You introduce new products or discontinue a few. At times, your vision entirely changes. Factors like these must not be displayed on your website if you no longer benefit from them.

A website is the soul of your business and it should only show what you presently offer to help boost the sales. In such cases, redesigning the business website is the only way to got about it and it must not be delayed.

7. Incomplete Information

Why do people visit websites? To learn more about the business. If your website doesn’t have updated information, why would your audience want to visit the site in the first place? If your current prospects can’t easily find the information they require, they won’t return to the site. This is where redesigning comes useful.

Redesign your website with necessary details of your business with recent trends and extraordinary UX; you will experience visitors spending more time on your website.

8. Better Competitor Website

It is necessary to keep an eye on your competitors. It will inspire you to do better and use your resources correctly. If you check your competitor’s website and you find them doing something that makes your website seem outdated, it is a sign that your website may need revamping. While its true that you should learn from their techniques, it is equally important to use your mind and not blindly follow them.

The Bottom Line

Is it time to revamp your website? Well, if you consistently find these signs in your website, it indeed is time you went for its much-needed overhaul. It is important to understand that website redesigning not only offers long-term benefits, but it also helps you save cost in many ways.

Saima Naz

Mar 29, 2022

5 Powerful Chatbot Platform Tools

5 Powerful Chatbot Platform Tools

Chatbots are all the rage these days, which has boosted their popularity. Chatbots, which are increasingly being used by businesses of all sizes, account for 53% of all online purchases. Creating and distributing chatbots on websites and messaging apps was difficult at first, but with the advent of chatbot platform tools, it has become much easier.

Therefore, we have a list of powerful chatbot platform tools to help you build the chatbot of your need.

1. Chatfuel

Chatfuel is the most basic chatbot builder which has a simple process developed to design easy messengers such as Facebook Messenger and Instagram. It has a wide variety of pre-made templates that are mostly general-purpose and can be used by anyone. In addition to general chatbots, Chatfuel also has industry-oriented templates which consist of automatic appointment booking and more features.

One of the key factors about Chatfuel is that it takes a few minutes to get set up. All you need to do is connect Chatfuel to your Facebook account and link to the page you want.

2. Botsify

Another Facebook chatbot platform is Botsify, which allows easy integration of chatbots into the system. Subscribe to their paid package and let Botsify handle your customer service brilliantly for you. Even if you don’t want to opt for their paid services, their free version also helps create bots that are beyond your imagination.

3. LivePerson

Now you can create an excellent platform that helps you comfortably deploy, build, and optimize AI-generated chatbots. With the help of LivePerson, you can use advanced analytics for real-time intent decisions and continuous optimization.

Some of its features include pre-designed statements that you can send in the chat, hyperlinks, canned responses. Moreover, it serves as an innovative platform with rich chat features that enable flexibility in communication to users and new employees of a company.

4. MobileMonkey

MobileMonkey was founded by a famous internet marketer, Larry Kim. It helps create chatbots that can be programmed to book appointments, track orders, answers questions, and use Artificial Intelligence to coordinate intent and content with the help of keywords.

It is a well-known Facebook Messenger platform that helps build messenger funnels, grow the contact list, and every segment of the audience. Some of its features include messenger ads, Q&A triggers, chat blaster, bot analytics, drip campaigns, and more.

5. Pandorabots

Many industry professionals are very well aware of Pandorabots as it is one of the oldest chatbot builders available in the market. It is a mature open-source chatbot platform tool that uses Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) and enables users to create anything they wish. It is not a basic chatbot builder, but once you get hang of programming techniques and chatbot platform tools, Pandorabots has limitless possibilities. With the help of this platform, you can deploy your chatbot to any messaging application on mobile and website.

The Bottom Line

These are some of the chatbot platform tools that have emerged useful in the industry. You can make the best use of them to grow your business by interacting with your customers. Regardless of your purpose, you must always evaluate the pros and cons of every chatbot tool before you choose one to build your own chatbot.

Saima Naz

Mar 15, 2022

5 Hacks to Enhance an iOS App

5 Hacks to Enhance an iOS App

Have you noticed every time Apple launches an iPhone? The world can’t stop buying it no matter what the price is. This is the impact of the first-class mobile platform across the globe.

Apple has a reputation for creating high-tech, modern, and quality devices all over the world. This is one of the reasons start-ups and businesses are more inclined towards creating their presence in Apple’s App Store. For them, it is a great way to make money with iOS development owing to its extensive demand. Due to this reason, there is a major rise in the demand for iOS application development services.

So, here we have a list of hacks that can be helpful for your iOS app

1. Apple ID

If you are an iOS user, you must know the importance of Apple ID and how the tech giant has given maximum protection to every Apple ID that can’t be cracked. Once your application is completed and is now ready to be uploaded on the App Store, you require an Apple ID. Make sure you have the code to sign in before you initiate the uploading process. Having an ID is proof that you are a legit iOS developer.

2. Content

Application with a mismatched content layout just doesn’t fit right to the screen and doesn’t catch users’ attention. The layout includes font size, color, placement, and more. Other basic content mistakes that need attention are readability, user-friendliness, and understanding.

  1. Readability signifies that the content and its font size have to be clear for the readers to understand.
  2. The layout of the content is user-friendly when the designs are properly managed and appear good to the eyes.
  3. The understanding of the content is reflected when it has a seamless and smooth flow.

3. Project Directory

The project directory structure cannot be missed out on especially if you are working on iOS mobile apps of big enterprises. Even if you have a small project onboard, you must have a strong project directory structure. If it is out of place, you are most likely to see your codes becoming chaotic and losing the balance. So, keep things sorted and work on your project directory structure.

4. UI Elements with 3D Touch

UI of an application plays a vital role. The user must find it easy to use, browse, tap on a particular element of the app. Even a simple function such as a Drag and Drop menu must be smooth. In this regard, UI elements with 3D touch are the best option. They work differently for mobile apps and desktops, while 3D touch makes your iOS application more engaging and intuitive for your users.

5. Error Handling

Error handling is process of recovering from error conditions. Sometimes users enter an unforeseen input for which the logic is not designed in the backend. These are the instances of logic errors that should be taken care of beforehand in order to prevent the app crash. This can be done if iOS apps use error protocol to derive a custom message to the user on entering a different input.

The Bottom Line

Rightly done, iOS app development is the best domain to work in and can give you maximum profit. It is important to understand that iOS app development is not about creating a perfect version. It is a continuous process of comprehending the demand, maximizing the use of technology, and putting forth great team effort that can result in a flawless release.

Saima Naz

Mar 11, 2022

Best Tools And Resources For Startups – A Complete Guide

Best Tools And Resources For Startups – A Complet...

These days we see many aspiring entrepreneurs launching their startups. The main issue they face is how they can keep the cost to the minimum level as at the outset, the startups don’t earn much revenue and there are many unavoidable expenses that come along with online businesses. Therefore, to make it convenient for startup owners, there are some tools and resources that can be very beneficial to enhance efficiency and to propel success and growth into startups. Let’s discuss a few.

Clarity – Ideation Tool

Ideation is a rudimentary ye critical part of any process. This phase is extremely important for you to have a clearer direction on how to proceed further. Clarity is one of the recommended ideation tools for startups as it helps entrepreneurs get the best piece of actionable advice on their entrepreneurial journey from industry professionals. You can ask them how to raise funds, sharpen your skills, research the newest trends in the market, tips on scaling your business, and more that can enhance your thinking process.

Mockplus – Design and Development Tool

Design and development take a lot of time and require maximum attention. For a fresh entrepreneur, it can be tough as one wrong step in this direction can spell disaster for a startup. Mockplus is a web-based design tool that helps in the creation of responsive wireframes and prototypes. They can be developed using ‘drag and drop’ functions in real time. This tool has diverse components and icons and it not only focuses on the designing part, but also offers team collaboration and handoff management inside the organized system.

Foundersuite – Finance and Fundraising Tool

Financial balances are an important element of a startup. It helps comprehend the record of revenue generation and more. Foundersuite is the best tool that enables you to raise capital for your startup. It enhances the fundraising and investor relationship by introducing structure, speed, and efficiency to the process. Foundersuite also offers a CRM tool to manage investor funnel and other tools that are required to develop monthly progress reports.

Hootsuite – Marketing Tool

In today’s world where social media rules the roost, a solid social marketing strategy is key to your startup’s survival—and success. It requires proper implementation of analysis, marketing campaigns, and more. Hootsuite is the finest social media marketing tool available which is very well known in the startup community, essentially for its simple UI and economical pricing.

With the help of a free plan of Hootsuite, you can post more than 30 posts all over social media platforms. It not only allows you to evaluate your ROI (Return on Investment) on social media campaigns but also helps you check the impact your strategies have created.

The Bottom Line

Your startup can either be a hit or a failure, depending upon the tools you choose to make use of. These tools and resources are beneficial for startups and small businesses if they are efficiently used. They can help an aspiring entrepreneur keep their operation easier, more seamless, and more effective.

Saima Naz

Feb 24, 2022

How to Block Pop-up Ads on Android Devices

How to Block Pop-up Ads on Android Devices

Unnecessary pop-up ads are one of the most frustrating parts of using the internet. They are sometimes created with the idea of product marketing and may also contain virus if comes from an unreliable source. It’s bothersome when you are peacefully scrolling down on social media or watching a video, and then comes a pop-up ad that hijacks your browsing, may cause glitches, and can even link to malware.

Certainly, no one is interested in these ads unless they like advertisements popping up on their screens. Here, we have a solution for you. We will tell you how you can get rid of annoying pop-up ads on your Android devices.

1.     Block Chrome Ads

The very first step you can take if you want to get rid of pop-up ads is to disable them on Google Chrome. This is the best and simple option if Chrome is the default browser on your Android device.

How to do that?

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Tap on More.
  3. Go to Settings.
  4. Go to Site Settings.
  5. Block ads and pop-ups you wish to get rid of.

2.     Change Website Settings

Many websites earn from push notifications so if you allow website notification, it is impossible to not get pop-ads every now and then on your Android device. So, what can you do?

  1. Go to the browser
  2. Tap Menu
  3. Go to Settings
  4. Go to Site Settings and tap on it
  5. Press Notifications and move the toggle on the other side to disable ads

3.     Use Ad Blockers

One of the many ways of blocking unwanted ads is by using an ad blocker. For an android device, there is a large variety of ad blockers available in the Play Store. These ad blockers can block ads that pop up in games, apps, and other websites. So, choose an ad blocker of your choice, install it, and use it to get rid of the pop-ups and ads.

4.     Chrome Lite Mode

Google Chrome browser has a Lite mode for Android mobile devices which is created for fast webpage loading.

How can you use it?

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Scroll down
  3. Find the Lite mode and switch it

This Lite mode can also be used to minimize data use.

How to Recognize Malicious Pop-ups?

Pop-ups can also be malicious and introduce viruses to your Android devices. But, how can you identify them?

  1. They have many spelling mistakes, have strange symbols, unprofessional or immoral images, and contain exclamation marks. If that’s how your Android ad appears to be, change the browser settings and use robust antivirus software.
  2. These ads have weird phone numbers and links that redirect you to a new window in its web address.
  3. They say that you have won lottery money and lure you into clicking a link to check the money you have won.

There are many other signs as well. Nevertheless, even if one or two of them apply, it indicates that the pop-up is not just an ad and you need to be careful with that.

The Bottom Line

Pop-ups in Android devices can be very annoying. Unfortunately, there is no button with which you can get rid of all of them. Instead, you have to be smart in dealing with them on your Android device. With the given guideline, we hope you have learned how to block pop-up ads. Remember, it is always safe to never open pop-ads as they can be any adware, ransomware, or viruses you are unaware of.

Saima Naz

Feb 11, 2022

Tips to Protect Your Website from Hackers

Tips to Protect Your Website from Hackers

You may be under the impression that your site is completely protected, away from the reach of hackers and cybercriminals. Wrong. The fact is, your website is always prone to being hacked. Hacking is the worst thing that can happen to a website, especially when your entire business depends on online orders or recent trends.

However, not every website is hacked with the purpose of stealing data or undermining it; many hackers do so with the object of setting up temporary and web files that are illegal in nature. Nevertheless, it is a terrible experience for your business and for the website itself.

Although there are a plethora of many antivirus software programs that help prevent hacking, hackers do sometimes manage to succeed in this malicious activity. So, here we have a few tips on how you can secure your website against hackers.

1.     Secure Password

This is the most common and most effective tip you can get.

This technique helps you prevent login attempts from hackers by securing it with a strong password. It is convenient to choose a password that is easy to remember, but an easy password doesn’t secure your login against hacking. Keep your password long with a combination of uppercase letters, special characters, and numbers.

You must ensure that everyone in your team with access to the website has a similarly strong password because one wrong password can ruin everything for your website.

2.    Data Backup

You must have a fully maintained backup of your website data. It will help keep your data secure if anything happens to your website. Backing up data regularly and storing the key files will protect your website from the threats of ransomware and corrupted files, enabling you to recover the lost data quickly.

3.    Admin Directories

Rename your Admin directories or find a way to make it harder for hackers to find them. To avoid hacks, you can also disable the directory or alter the site scripts to eliminate them from search engines.

4.    Use VPN

If you are always on the go, you must connect to public Wi-Fi networks all the time. But, do you know that public Wi-Fi is your enemy?

These Wi-Fi networks do not offer any security and logging in to them is an open invitation to hackers. To avoid this, you must always use a VPN. A good VPN provides extra security and benefit to your website so that you can chill and work at any coffee shop with no fear of having your website compromised.

5.    Error Messages

Be careful not to use your information in error messages. Providing minimum errors to your users will ensure that your secret information is not leaked on your servers. Keep them simple and avoid ambiguity. Detailed error messages facilitate criminals in hacking your website.

The Bottom Line

There are many tips to protect your website against hacking. Securing your website has become the biggest part of keeping your site safe and secure in the long run. These are the necessary safety measures that must always be used. Remember, hacking is avoidable only if you strictly follow the required guidelines.

Saima Naz

Feb 2, 2022

Best Framework for Android App Development in 2022

Best Framework for Android App Development in 2022

Mobile applications are an integral part of our lives. From waking up every morning with our Apple watch’s alarm to ordering food, booking a cab to commute to work, to monitor our number of steps in our morning walk. This and so much more is just a gist of our daily life reliance on mobile applications.

But, have you ever wondered what goes behind the development of the apps you can’t live without? What are the frameworks necessary for their operation? Today we are going to give you the list of the best Android app development frameworks in 2022. Let’s start

1.    Flutter

Let’s start with Flutter.

Flutter is a cross-platform application development framework. Released in 2017, it was designed with the aim of developing the Android operating system. Ever since its launch, Flutter has gained recognition as the most popular framework and dominates the list of the Most Used Frameworks in 2019 and 2020. Currently, it is preferable for the Android framework for 42% of developers.

Flutter is every developer’s choice because of its efficiency in rendering 2D hybrid platforms. Unlike React Native it utilizes its own canvas to render app components.

2.    Kotlin

Kotlin is a Java interoperable framework that is known for its rich features and seamless functions. It is a good choice for server-side app development in 2022. Developed by JetBrains, Kotlin is currently used for embedded systems and iOS which makes it a one-stop language for all areas.

Some of the famous apps that use the Kotlin framework include Uber, Pinterest, Google, Tinder, Slack, Coursera, Trello, Evernote, and more.

3.    React Native

In 2015, the social media giant, Facebook created React Native to be an open-source cross-platform framework. With the help of this platform, apps for iOS, Web, UWP, and Android can be developed. It allows developers to build apps via JavaScript and React with the strong capabilities of native Android app development.

The best feature of React Native is that it enables developers to construct user interfaces from the system’s native building blocks instead of simulating native performance like most of the other frameworks. Some of the applications developed with React Native are Discord and Airbnb.

4.    Ionic

Ionic is one of the finest android app development frameworks in 2022. It is an MIT-certified open-source app development framework that is available for free. Ionic uses the combination of CSS3, JavaScript, HTML5 for cross-platform app development. With its, help developers can build hybrid apps and PWAs (Progressive Web Applications).

It is known for its reliability and powerful components that allow faster development. It can easily integrate with other libraries such as AngularJS. Ionic has a wide range of cross-platform functionalities that enhances the construction of Android app development.

The Bottom Line

We have curated a list after reviewing many factors such as the operating system. development times, and more. Android app development is evolving every day and with such massive evolution, the mobile app development trends have seen big paradigms such as code, platform, script, and more. We hope our list of mobile app development frameworks helps you and you experience the best of growing technology adaption in any app you build.

Saima Naz

Jan 14, 2022