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Jan 10, 2025

Artificial Intelligence in Application Modernization: Key Benefits and Real-World Applications

In this digital transformation era, businesses face the constant challenge of keeping their applications relevant, efficient, and scalable. Legacy systems, while critical to operations, often become congested and hinder innovation and agility.   Application modernization is the solution, enabling organizations...


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Why Hardware Startups Failure is More Common?

Why Hardware Startups Failure is More Common?

Hardware startups commonly observe to fail for certain reasons. Even, large business tycoons have disappeared from the scene. But, it does not mean that your will power had also suffered from that failure. Firstly, you should know the mutual reasons of failure in hardware startups. You should organize yourself along with your team to avoid barriers of the startups.

A common saying reveals that hardware is hard. But, it does not mean that it is not conceivable. You can dare say that the introduction of any hardware product is not that much easier. If you have started as the initial platforms; somehow, you must consider to proceed with the innovative idea of products.

Here, some ideas present to focus arising challenges on hardware startups and avoiding failure.

Misjudging Product Development Expenditures

It works well when necessary steps are taken to develop a product from scratch. It comes out with a huge budgeting which means its success to starting a new business using all the resources. But, you will find yourself still facing the expenditures on the trail to commercialization. Even, you may have heard several tales for other businesses which show what can truly occur. Something, when we do not precisely estimate our real costing budgets. Even though, huge organizations are earning millions and billions of dollars of revenues. Yet, they have forced the shutdown. Thus, the hardware startup underestimated not only the budgeting costs. But even, their development timeline ended up with a lot of irritated customers and major delays.

Dearth of Targeted Market Research & Confirmation

Market Research provides one of the major needs of any business startups and of course it is really significant when you plan to enter any industry. You got to have a proper research over the targeted market and should be continuously confirming the researching facts. It will help you focus your targeted market so that you can easily get the idea of specific industry which you are venturing into. Having quite many startups can create a situation with the products in a void, so only realizing that later will not be meeting the needs of their targeted consumers. So, you should have proper understanding of your customers and obtaining their feedback all the way through the process of development. This means quite good and necessary to have a successful startup.

Reluctance To Alteration Original Product Concept

For a startup of any business; sometimes, you think that the original idea will not work as you have thought to be. It means the product you finalized for your startup might not be as good as you dreamt of, so you might alter your thought over having a new product. Even, your designing concept might change due to giving preferences to your customers and manufacturing limitations. No wonder what the motive be exposed to have a change, but it makes clears a great thing to have a good idea. It will surely make you embarking and successful on this journey in the first place. But, you should feel ready to alter that idea if you think it necessary in the future.

Incorrect Manufacturing Companion

Finally, think over your business, you should remain confident to have the right manufacturing companion. It is necessary when coming to the level of manufacturing phase of your precise products. You will be attracted to certain things which will inspire and provide you an effective trail to your success. Your manufacturing companions must add services in different means to you as to speed up in every process. They should accurately confirm the reliability and the importance to remain open in communication. You will observe the precise characteristics to seek for contracting an authentic manufacturer who will make the most of your business needs on time. Many startups appreciate working with small business groups at the beginning. It observes to be advantageous because they think that their products will get real attention to them.

Arpatech Website

Oct 12, 2017

A Complete Guide To Franchise Marketing in The Digital World

A Complete Guide To Franchise Marketing in The Digital ...

Franchise marketing considered very ideal for overcoming obstacles faced in digital marketing. It works along with rapid success to boost up your online marketing presence for your customers. It certainly provides a perfect way to give a boosting start to your marketing plan for achieving success.

Franchise Marketing

Franchise marketing, discusses to apply a specific strategy on branded online marketing. It works the best for individual franchise location underneath a comprehensive business strategy. Usually, franchise marketing comprises of certain platforms like print advertisement, tv advertisement, radio advertisement, direct mailing, and PR. In our current digital era, it prolongs to the online realm, where the topmost competitors’ website have been search engine optimized. Along with that, you will also find local search engine marketing, pay per click, social media, and video supporting as franchise marketing. For instance, a franchisee, customer relies on the business website to create local inquiries. This lets you to increase the online presence and grab more local inquiries.

Marketing Channels For Franchises

Initially, it does not matter whether you appear as a franchisee or franchiser. But, you got to recognize your actual digital marketing platform. Here, you will find the top channels available for digital marketing such as search engine marketing, content, business website, social media, including video, pay per click advertising, and email marketing.

For SEO or SEM

Search engine optimization serves quite a vital role for franchises. But, it does not matter if you appear as franchisee or franchisor when people search for your specific service on any major search engines. As the main aim of SEO; to provide you as much high results page as possible in search engines. At this, they require four things to rank fine organically for your entire franchise locations. You will also require the bulk of the unique, appropriate, and outstanding content. Even, your content must offer a value to your audiences and reply the questions by their search requests. Your entire web presence should create your company as an ideal authority in your specific industry. Even, you must make it domestically significant to the online searchers, with markup and content to keep targeted searches.

For Social Media

Social media plays a sort of extraordinary power role for franchises because it’s a channel which can be well controlled. There comes a certain tip for franchises to create a social media strategy manual that assists franchises to obvious directions on for branding, messaging, and how to avail success. It allows significant work and allow the Facebook page locations feature. Suppose, you got the main brand page and it doesn’t have any specific address and intends to be the only page at the commercial level. Each location page maintains according to the franchisee and can be retrieved by corporate level.

For Pay Per Click

Pay-per-click advertising play great role and also measure as one of the ideal ways to make your business famous among people. For instance, they search for their precise needs to fulfill their goals. We have some tips for franchises which, if you think it as domestic franchise. It uses to display ads and also search ads for promoting the brand contributions as well as local locations. You are going to provide your franchises some extra ammo to increase buy-in the brand, and ultimately leads and sales as well.

For Email

Email marketing promotions provide an efficient way to increase your franchising business. Thus, it commonly calls an opt-in email marketing which means to send you appropriate messages to relevant customers, potential customers, referral associates, or even to the retailers. So, it means they specifically choos to send them promotional email. It also considers as an important task because if a user has preferred to accept content from your franchise. They will find it more probable to open the email. So, this type opt-in email marketing plan considers more efficient to get you required leads and sales you are looking for.

Arpatech Website

Oct 11, 2017

Here’s How Social Media Affects SEO

Here’s How Social Media Affects SEO

Social media plays a vital role in our daily routine. It does not only mean to use it, whether for domestic or commercial purposes. But, people across the world stay connected with a large number of social websites. Most of whom had just met each other on these social platforms and never met in person with each other.

Even, large organizations or small businesses integrated with social media and are working together for several purposes with strategic approaches. They commonly use the social platforms for marketing their businesses, brands, and products. This way, these social sites get more audiences from their targeted markets. Thus, these social platforms support the process of Search Engine Optimization – SEO, for getting top searches of such businesses, and products. But, sometimes excessive use of social activities can hurt top searches of these businesses.

Observation of SEO Activities

It also provides observation over social media, which can affect the SEO activities performed on certain business. It can even hurt the top searches ultimately. This means something that over-generalizes the statistical data that demonstrates a connection between familiar social media content and the top ranks within the searching results. You may have also observed that there are certain absolutes in SEO and the finest we can do is to get fluctuated data that happens as a statistically significant edge. It also associates with the common intelligence and using the best practices.

The facts show below; how social media can bring a negative impact on SEO activities.

To understand the best about social media and SEO; how they get connected and produce positive or negative results afterward. Even, the joined form may also become the main cause of increasing or decreasing a website’s ranking within the search results. We can explore and describe direct and indirect factors that may increase or decrease rankings. Direct ranking factors show through constant data and analysis to view the direct impact on rankings. While indirect ranking factors show a connection with ranking, but it cannot be ultimately described as a direct ranking factor due to lack of statistical data.

Whether Social Media is A Direct or Indirect Factor

We got to check whether social media is serving as an indirect ranking factor or providing services a direct factor. The impact of social media effects on search engine optimization frequently. Because, it is increasing the chances of getting direct ranking factors, for instance, the inbound links. Suppose, if you use social media for SEO, the improved searches explains clearly. There remains connections between the content that acquires a large number of shares or likes which rank well and get good searches.

Influence of Social Media on User Statistics

We have already talked about the user statistics and the specific roles that escalate rankings. Social media organize a well digital marketing plan that can assist user metrics with a great boost. Ideally, it observes when a content goes live on social media, a rapid influx of visits generates a signal in the algorithm of Google that provisionally bounces the content with a top rank. This goes top rank because of Google recognizes a solid attraction of the content. Thus, Google plays its part to confirm their users can get the content certainly in the search results.

Impact of Social Media on SEO

According to the association of statistical data gets a large number of shares on different social platforms. Even, you can have a great increase of followers or fans. It certainly won’t create an impact on your website or on SEO activities done for achieving the rankings within the search results. Social media marketing, of course, supports SEO rankings by improving the prospects of getting direct ranking factors. It also serves a positive impact on user metrics as well as the actual generated algorithm variables.

Arpatech Website

Oct 10, 2017

A Poor Website is Worse than Not Having One

A Poor Website is Worse than Not Having One

We commonly visit different websites for various purposes or visit an online purchase site to do shopping. Most of the websites get well designed and properly optimized in all aspects. Visitors land on specific website to fulfill their needs instantly to any eCommerce website to buy something of their needs. So, your website must show something very attractive to them for gaining their involvement. This way, they will stay for long due to your catchy content and start searching their required products or offer for which they come for. But, if your website presents a poor look with no attraction and have no striking content available for the visitors. Such websites simply mean useless and it better you mustn’t have one instead.

So, you should avoid creating a poor website which cannot add benefits for you in any aspects. Here, you will find some effective tips which will support in designing a value added website.

Setting A Noticeable Aim

The main aim identifies yourself whether what type of web development is required to you. One thing makes extremely important that the subject and the content type do not really matter. The thing really matters, is the level to set a measurable objective. Even, you should aim before selecting what type of website you are willing to design, such as:

  • Your visitors spend more time on your product page.
  • Boost blog traffic
  • Increase the sales conversion

Initially, you got to be specific and ensure that you can extend your success from the beginning. You can be confident that your website is fruitful for business generating.

Visitors Must Get What They Need

Any website offers its ideal benefits to the customers to keep attracting them. So, whenever visitors land on your website, they must surely achieve your target what you have set. They should attract to your product and here striking content plays an important part along with the products and their attractive images that force the visitors to stay on your site as if they get what they are being looked for. So, you should try your level best to aim something like that they get prominent information on your website including entertaining aspects as well and to inspire, your visitors before they leave your page.

Offer Something Very Different

Today, we got the support of easing to like or share something that can be posted or written from the very beginning. S, this makes businesses flourish by giving the idea or offering something exclusively new. So, one can easily get the services of your team and to create really fascinating for the visitors. Therefore, when they land on your website; they will search for their required products and stay for some time. You got the option to spend time, skills and your money in creating something new and fascinating for the visitors. But sometimes, you simply need a fresh, rare standpoint with a familiar topic. So, you need to clutch ideas, probably very interesting from the visitors’ point of view.

A Final Word

When you have completely done with your website research for new creation. Use successful ideas to set everything good in convincing manner for your website designing to strike your visitors. Try to create your content in such a way that it represents the piece of sentiments or information to the visitors. So, getting a worthy website for your business; simply set your initial goals, try to convince your audience and offer them something new. All such attractions would inspire your visitors and probably they will stay for long on your website.

Arpatech Website

Oct 9, 2017

A/B Testing Explained

A/B Testing Explained

A/B testing defines a technique of comparing any two versions of any website page. Likely, each page to conclude which one actually accomplishes the services better. AB testing provides fundamentally a type of experiment where two or more variations of a website page. Both the pages are displayed to users on a random basis and statistical study utilizes to define which deviation executes the best to meet the goal.

About A/B Testing

It openly associates a deviation against an existing capability to run an AB test. It lets you ask concentrated about variations to your website. Then, it gathers statistical data as to the influence of that alteration. This type of testing takes the estimation out of your website optimization. It also allows data informed assessments that move business dialogues. It can easily evaluate these influence that variations have on your metrics. Even, you can make sure that entire change generates positive results.

How To Assess A/B Testing?

You can simply take a website page for an A/B test for proper screening and modifying purposes. It needs to generate a second version of the page and modification provides you a single headline or a thorough redesigning of the said page. The visitors will serve with the mechanism or variation, their involvement with both the experiences. These results provide observed and collected analytics through a statistical engine. You can then decide whether the varied experience had a positive or negative impact and there might be no effect on visitor behavior.

Why A/B TEST is Require?

It remains certain about the A/B testing permits individuals or teams. Even, the companies create cautious variations to their user experiences. It happens at the time of collecting statistical data on the results. This lets them build hypotheses, and also to study better in wide aspects and provides a specific element of their skills impact the user behavior. We can also say that they can verify as wrong – their estimation about the great experience. A certain aim can prove incorrect through this A/B test. Just answering to a one-off question or somehow settling a divergence, AB testing can utilize constant to frequent advance it with known experience. It also enhances a sole aim such as exchange rate over time. Also, testing a single change at a time supports them to identify which variations had an influence on their visitors’ actions, and which did not.

Appealing Changes

They can associate the results of numerous appealing changes from tests to prove the assessable perfection of the advanced experience over the old one. This technique of presenting variations to a user experience similar permits the practice to optimize for preferred results. It can also create essential steps in a promoting an effective campaign quite efficiently. The marketers can acquire which version of the website page attracts more clicks by this testing ad copy. Also, by testing the following landing website pages, they can study which arrangement adapts visitors to customers’ excellent. The entire spending on any marketing campaign can truly reduce if the fundamentals of each step involved work positively and possible to obtain new customers.

Final Thoughts

Finally, A/B testing can also utilize through involving product developers and the designers determine the influence of new structures. Even, the variations serve as a user experience after both the pages are tested. On boarding a product, user involvement, modals, and in-product understandings can all enhance with the proper use of A/B testing. So long as the aims obviously present and you have a definite hypothesis on this.

Arpatech Website

Oct 8, 2017

We Prefer User Experience Over Design, Here’s Why!

We Prefer User Experience Over Design, Here’s Why!

Generally, web designers provide an ideal graphic way to design the modern era website. They get trained and acquire the expertise of visual graphics designing. Here is the top priority that the designers manage:

Creative concept
Color theory
Icon development
Interactivity rollovers
Drop-down menus
Digital slideshows
Call-to-action buttons

But, we think the user experience is far much better over designing. So, a slight discussion presents over this topic. It will provide what we prefer User Experience over Design.

User experience means, how a person feels while working together with a digital product. It contains a lot of elements among which some are manageable through the designers. The developers are involved in designing the websites which are environment-friendly or simply they fulfill user preferences. But, user experience does not mean similar to usability, but it means the experience, emotion, intuition, and connection. Further, any specific user feels when they use a website or any product.

Usability means somewhat about the efficiency of a website development and designing. It surely means how much it gets designed as user-friendly and presents significant elements that encircle entire user’s experience. So, it has developed to encompass the user-centered design and it ultimately works on the same idea presented in a different way. It really works very imperatively for any digital product(s) which means quite necessary for specific kinds of digital products. Such as complex websites, retail sales, startup websites, and low budget projects are likely to run for long periods.

User experience in terms of design means fairly essential as graphical identity and it doesn’t matter what your website looks like. Even, if people don’t recognize how to cooperate with it, they must enjoy such type of interaction. User experience means highly important for complex websites, because, the users can enable to run the website easily and know how to use it precisely. One of the best complex kind of websites can contain fairly on a retail or online sales basis.

Here, not only the websites need to manage well. But, it must also have an apparent and easy way to practice signals for how to create a safe and protected way of purchasing. It also becomes ideal for small businesses because the websites will become their first impression for the users. This first impression surely matters when it comes to leading traffic and business to your product. A similar idea also applies to businesses that it exists with low budgeting. User experience means to be of great importance because it can make certain that the momentum propels the business onward.


When we observe poor user experience, the concerns becomes highly observable. It also becomes necessary to think about the actual problems such as incapability to compare plans before making certain accounts, overloaded servers and downtime, issues in creating accounts, and facing problems in filling out applications. All such problems produce a negative passionate connection to the users of the websites. Additionally, the six vital benefits to adding user experience to the design and development practices which are: improved output, increased sales and revenue, diminished training and support costs, decreased development time and costs, decreased preservation costs and improved customer satisfaction.

Arpatech Website

Oct 7, 2017

Why Should One Choose WordPress Over Wix

Why Should One Choose WordPress Over Wix

No doubt, Wix has certain benefits and served more appealing demands depending upon your work and experience. It fulfills website aims; but, those who have worked with WordPress can feel the difference without any hesitation. It feels good, far better than Wix.

Why Choose WordPress?

People like to use WordPress instead of Wix; as it has self-hosted website development platform. Because, it lets you pick out which domain hosting you wish to use for getting your website live. One of the reasons; it has numerous graphical depicting hosting choices for WordPress and reasonable costs.

While, Wix does not allow to host your website from somewhere else. So, it means you are completely stuck with the one you are with. Suppose, if you find your website is running very sluggish due to poor hosting services or else, if you wish to move your website’s data to any other domain, you cannot do so.

Variations of Website’s Design

WordPress makes available with thousands of premade website designs which can be selected as per your needs. There also exists user created WordPress themes to choose as your required theme as per your business needs. All such themes are absolutely free while there are also a large variety of premium themes available to buy. Moreover, such WordPress themes can also be modified and adjusted according to your requirements.

While, when you choose to build a website using the Wix platform. You can select your templates from the 400 options available to choose the themes. But, you cannot access the code or make any required changes to such designs or themes according to your needs which is a great setback of Wix.

Able To Change Site Design

The WordPress allows you to readily switch between the themes you like to change at any time. Because such themes will not affect the onset content already existed on your website. You can use any format adjustments as per your needs to fit better with your content to any freshly chosen theme.

While one of the most limiting features of the website built with Wix environment is that once you select any template, you cannot change or remove it ever.

Support Multiple Users on One Site

A website developed using Wix interface has the only single user account and admin of the website.

While a website created in WordPress platform, allows you to create multiple accounts to modify your website. Even, you can assign several roles to perform after creating necessary account’s user for them. For instance, to update and adding new blog posts to your website. Likely, you can create accounts and give them limited access to the writers to post or publish blog articles. They have no access to use other functions of your website which main admin can perform.

Necessary Plug-In Support

WordPress also allows you to apply as many plugins to fulfill your needs for coding and the formation of plug-ins that offer its users. There exists the incredible number of tools also available to modify and control their websites accordingly.

Whereas, Wix does not offer any use of plug-ins, but deals in apps to support and manage the websites in its place. You can find hundreds of apps available to select and use according to your business needs. But, all those entirely developed by the Wix team and have very fewer apps to select from them.

Ideal SEO Management

WordPress allows you great benefits not only to create a website, but also serves you the ideal search engine optimization (SEO) management on it. It provides a great SEO friendly interface to perform multiple SEO activities for your website. This way, you can perform good SEO practices within your website and generate more traffic to it. By using sufficient plug-ins available within WordPress; can help you optimize your website. It also advances its capability to make visible on different search engines.

Whereas, Wix serves you with a very limited SEO feature within its boundaries. You can simply add the title and description to your generated pages, alt-text in images, and generate a sitemap.

Perfect Platform For Blogging

WordPress also considers one of the perfect platform and ideal for blogging. It serves you efficiently for creating and publishing blog articles using its interface. Once you start using your website, you have the best option to create blog posts instinctively. You can start creating blog articles as per your desired needs and you can simply use it easily just as writing in a word document. You also get the assistance of embedded different forms of media, such as images and videos directly into your post. Therefore, you can manage your blog posts with extra features to set publication dates to your blogs for posting. You have the options to assign tags and categories within the post and have much more features using the WordPress.

Arpatech Website

Oct 6, 2017

Exploring The Possibilities of e-Commerce Security and Theft

Exploring The Possibilities of e-Commerce Security and ...

The number of fraud cases constantly increases in e-Commerce. As well as, the ratio of fraud in online transactions also observed quite frequently.  The attempt of fraud does not happen just exclusive to the credit card payments. But, the threats also involve in wide use of malware to facilitate the online banking logins. These things can happen via telephones, tablets and personal computers as well. Thus, the frauds can commit easily through the stolen bank accounts and to make fake payments. Even, the alternative payment procedures also appeal the criminal minds.

Here, we describe how and what the fraud looks like, precisely? The most familiar types of fraud presented below:

According to a survey conducted, the easiest types of fraud cases attempted with the online customers are identity thefts, fraudulent attempts, and account thefts. The credit cards are considered to be the most widespread target.

Identity Theft

Identity Theft becomes quite common among the evil mind criminals across the world to target e-Commerce industry. Their main goal attempts the transactions through using diverse identity. The impostors merely take over an existing identity to fulfill their crime instead of coming up with an absolutely new identity. According to the crime branch report, it considers to become easier for them. Generally, work much faster as well to perform their tricks in this way.

Friendly Fraud System

Another form of crime of fraud surveyed and named as to Friendly Fraud. This sounds responsive than it really presents. Because, the customers place an order and pay to prefer a pull payment method by using credit cards or direct debit. It seems to use this term or method. Then, they purposely initiate a chargeback request, claiming that their credit cards or account details were stolen. Thus, the amount gets reimbursed, but the goods are kept within the company. This type of fraud, system becomes popular chiefly widespread with services in most of the places. The Friendly fraud also happens frequently with the re-shipping. It means the place where the evil mind impostors use stolen data of the payment to pay for their purchases. They get it before the amount sent to their residential addresses.

Clean Fraud

The most impressive type of fraud case that recognizes as Clean Fraud; it’s somehow confusing. In Clean Fraud; cyberpunks use stolen credit cards to make purchases online. But, the purchased transaction at the operated in such a way that fraud revealing functions is bypass or evaded. In this type of clean fraud, the offenders use complete analyses of the fraud revealing methods arranged. Also, an abundant deal of knowledge about the legal owners of their theft credit cards. A boundless deal of precise information then moves into form of entry during the process of payment. The scam discovery solution becomes viral before committing the clean fraud with a card testing process frequently carries out. This includes making economical trial purchases through online just for checking the theft credit card data works or not.

Affiliate Fraud

The impostors involve in two types of Affiliate Fraud variables. Both of them have the equivalent intention or target to plan a successful fraud. The main aim means to collect more money from an affiliate database by controlling the online traffic or through the statistical signups. This way, the committed fraud can be implemented either using an entirely automatic process or by involving actual people to log into websites via fake accounts.

Technical Fraud

This type of fraud means one of the most challenging types of security threats called Technical Fraud. This sort of fraud used within the e-Commerce businesses using various evil techniques and one can’t even think of them. Technical threats commonly faced by e-commerce provider as they have tried their best to set appropriate precautions against this crime. The criminals are using technical fraud attacks, and in precise denial of service attacks. Usually, it aims e-Commerce websites or to services hosted on high profile web-servers. These types of fraud attacks get targeted at banks, credit card processing, online retailers, and also the social networking sites as well.

Arpatech Website

Oct 5, 2017

13 Reasons Why Ecommerce Lags Behind Brick And Mortar

13 Reasons Why Ecommerce Lags Behind Brick And Mortar

E-Commerce has been still focusing on to boost its online physical presence prominently even after passing several years. It has been marketing and selling online products to experience the highest level of services to e-Shoppers. But now, we observe that some new businesses have started their services and are performing negative tactics to build their physical presence online. Their major motive is to boost up their products to their online customers. We all know that such tactics won’t work in this era. Because  millions of online customers come to e-Commerce online shopping portals to shop faster. But, such tactics will flee the real e-Shoppers and they will never do online shopping due to their bad experience.

Here are some reasons as to why the e-Commerce industry has been lacking the physical presence across the world.

  1. Need Specific Directions

E-commerce business commonly costs not that much to run it and can easily reach their customers across the world. But, a couple of years back; we see certain reasons for going on to this route. Therefore, we need to create a specific destination to show online physical presence to get back into the business. The companies will competent enough to connect individually with the customers. It means to visit the e-Commerce sites to fulfill their needs. This could become very supportive to build stronger ties to the entire e-Commerce community. Because it supports and capable as a strong brand image among the online shoppers.

  1. Lack of Genuine Investment

Today, new businesses get started with, just an investment of a few hundred dollars. It means a thought to make possible to open any specific online store in such amount. But, everyone can realize that in no way means that such a few hundred dollars are quite enough to invest in a store for its online physical presence. A fledgling online business must need real means of investment and an, of course, a major amount of labor is required as well.

  1. Non User-friendly Website

Having the best online physical presence for your business is your well-optimized website development which should be user-friendly in all aspects. Any business plan cannot achieve without your effective website. It has everything to attract the visitors and make them certain to shop their needs. The website should get designed according to the modern e-Commerce formation. It must get fully secured, user-friendly, and entirely functional for e-Shoppers. Moreover, it should manage effective search, mobile, friendly, and need to load very fast.

  1. Lacking of Inventory Management

Inventory management is, of course, playing a vital role in structuring a real e-Commerce platform, depending on the type of business model. Lacking such factor, it can create one of the most vital glitches for new e-Commerce businesses and will affect the operations as well. Having very little inventory on board will certainly miss out your sales. It can also create disappointment to the online customers. Even, you can ignore the freight costs, associated with getting your required inventory for your business which is also very noteworthy.

  1. Missing Precise Product Images

Any online e-Commerce business cannot flourish physically without having their precise product images. The specific product images mean highly significant for attracting the e-Shoppers. They may get what they are looking at your website. The ideal showcase product image will make the customers stay on the website and search for their required needs you are selling. So, make sure the product images should clearly and accurately visible in the e-Shoppers while they search for their desired products.

  1. Having Less Online Shoppers

Any online website cannot get business without having too many visitors. The more people visit any website the more worth will be generated by the website. Having prominent flow of visitors on the website will certainly create the ideal visibility. The physical presence of your store on the search engines bring a positive sign of your business. The flow of visitors creates the real visibility and create the web traffic more to recognize in different search engines.

  1. Serious Competition

Online businesses have more challenges and have to face serious online competition onto the Internet. As it provides the land of opportunities for everyone, whether a large business or a new small enterprise. Hundreds of online businesses make sure they’re on the internet and competing each other in various aspects. But, no one can exist their physical presence online without surviving and facing the serious and significant competition on search engines.

  1. Inability To Touch & Try

Sometimes, buying something online through any e-Commerce website becomes irritated because one cannot touch and try the product physically. This leads one of the great set back to this industry because people cannot easily trust on such online shopping website, whether the purchased product will deliver at the same one saw on the shopping portal. Even, if the product delivered the right one but still there remains the chances of trying the right size that may easily fit.

  1. Understanding of Shopping Portals/Methodologies

While shopping at online websites; most of the e-Shoppers face different problems to get to the right industry products. Even, if they get to the exact area they find the ordering process to be very complex and irritating. The most problems created by the website’s navigation system. As some users do not get familiar with the website or its navigation system? Sometimes, the website’s navigation creates problems for the users, and sometimes; the drop-down menus, tabs, tags, footer, or breadcrumb methodologies.

  1. Credit Card Frauds

One of the reasons to Frauds and scams happened while making online payments by customers. So, credit card frauds have become the major issues that are frequently observed or heard while shopping online. One cannot say whether the e-Shoppers are safe or not while purchasing something through online websites. There have been frequent complaints recorded of credit card frauds. Several e-Shoppers have become victims of fraud while making payments through using their credit cards on purchasing different products.

  1. User Data Security

While online shopping; people also face great setbacks of data security concerns. It generally mentions so as to be confidential and integrity of data. There have been many cases recorded where online shoppers’ confidential data were used for unidentified objects. The threats of online users’ data by unauthorized persons are still a big problem across the world. That’s why people avoid doing online shopping for security concerns.

  1. Take Home Immediately

One thing which also creates the flaws of online shopping is that one cannot get delivered or take home the purchased products immediately basis. As one has to wait for the purchased stuff till it delivered after complete process of purchasing order. It means if anyone requires something on immediate basis cannot rely on such online shopping facility.

  1. Delayed Response to Queries

Online shoppers also face one of the major problems of delayed response to certain queries. While ordering online; either the system of processing orders gets hanged up or the systems figure out the queries in quite delays. Many queries remain in pending either from system’s error or for various unidentified reasons. Thus, such circumstances lead to the ineffective services that irritate the customers quite a lot.

13 Reasons Why E-commerce Lags Behind Brick & Mortar

Arpatech Website

Oct 4, 2017

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