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10 Ways To Enhance User-experience of e-Commerce Shoppers

10 Ways To Enhance User-experience of e-Commerce Shoppe...

Today, customers have quite many options to shop online. There are plenty of eCommerce websites that are providing online shopping to the customers. They can shop their necessary products from their homes by using their personal computers, laptops, tablets or mobile phones etc. Customers frequently use their mobile phones which are quite common these days and fulfilling different needs. The online website businesses provide mobile-friendly facilities on their websites so that people can easily use their mobiles for shopping. Precisely, they are developing the mobile applications for their online users and to promote their businesses.

Professional Business Website

Suppose, if you got to design your ecommerce business website or eStore, make sure to contact proper ecommerce store development. They will develop your website, eStore or app as per your today’s need and to let people do their shopping using any types of devices like laptops, tablets, and mobile phones etc. Therefore, you got to attract the attention of your online shoppers so that they may visit your e-Store for buying their required products. It becomes your main task to make the shopping experience easy and pleasant for your customers. Finally, this makes them to become their potential customers forever.

Need To Enhance Online Shopping

It seems really essential for you to keep improving the online shopping for the customers. So, it will gauge their attention for making the shopping experience easier and comfortable for them. This enhancement will surely focus the user-experience and provide them what they need from the website. Even, they can find their required products easily and leave the eStore happily. Probably, they will return again with a positive experience.

You will find here some pleasant tips and tricks to provide the excellent ecommerce shopping experience to the customers. This idea will assist you in making them return to your online store.

  1. Proper Maintenance of e-Store Website

Your online ecommerce web store must be frequently updated. The eStore must have proper maintenance and should be free from technical errors. Because the customers will never like to face technical errors and if it exists; this may lead to losing them forever. You must try to resolve and update all the necessary technical errors for the shoppers to use easily. Therefore, they will find your site pleasant to search for their required products. They will leave the e-Store happily and it will be a great success to you and your business.

  1. Creating of Mobile Friendly e-Store

A large number of online shoppers visit your e-Store through their mobile phones. So, you should create fully functioning ecommerce store for the visitors to use their mobile phones for shopping. It should have a little bigger buttons so as to navigate them with ease. Your mobile e-Store design should be a great support to your business and making it successful for you and to your customers.

  1. Proofread Website Content

The website content surely counts for any online store and you should proofread the web content before it goes live to your customers. The main ecommerce page should describe well and content of the product description should also be well described. It should excellently represent the vision of your business and to show up to customers what benefits will they get from your website. The users should accurately get all the details of your products available for sale while they visit first time.

  1. Provide All Necessary Details

One thing that is very important and you should clearly provide all the necessary details to your online shoppers precisely. The customers should have the right to know all the required information about the required products. They should know what you are selling to them before they buy something from your eStore. You can attach a tag describing entire details of your products which will make them feel pride on your services. Thus, it will automatically build customers’ trust and long relationship with your business.

  1. Be Sincere & Honest

Your customers mean you should be really sincere and honest with them. You can imagine the experience when you shop in real. The shopkeepers treat you sincerely and honestly; help you in all the matters. They serve you with their best while shopping and let you feel quite comfortable during buying process. Similarly, the same thing goes here when online shoppers feel pleased with your user-friendly e-store where you have provided everything for them.

  1. Send Personalize Emails

You must try to create friendly and personalized emails while sending to your online customers. Those emails will surely attract and create excitement to them for visiting and shopping with you. Ideally, this action will make your customers feel pleased as you are paying more courtesy to their orders.

  1. Welcome Returning Customers

Most of the customers visit, browse and simply leave away without buying anything. Therefore, you should make a strategy for such returning customers to greet them with a pleasant and welcoming back message. This action will show your generosity for valuing them for visiting your website and hopefully they will visit again to check their required products.

  1. Availability of Products Return/Exchange

Online shoppers always feel nervous about product return and exchange. Suppose, if your customer finds out the purchased product is not suitable or doesn’t fit well. You should provide the option for returning or exchanging it without any additional charges.

  1. Products Recommendations

You should set up a specific recommendation for different products to your old and potential customers. This action will show them you really care about them and taking great interest in being with you. Precisely, recommendations will support you and show them how you concern about their requirements. Hopefully, your recommended products meet the needs which they may have not checked before and now may consider it to buy.

  1. Make Simple Checkout System

Your online eStore should have a proper eCommerce checkout process, but very simple and fast. The customers will never return to buy anything from your webstore if the checkout process is complex. You should also checkout whether your system is irritating and time-consuming for the customers. Finally, they will admire your simpler checkout system which will admire your customers.


These ultimate ways will highly improve the user-experience and provide good results to your online eCommerce shoppers. These tips will provide an outstanding success to online shopping businesses. The sharing of these satisfying tips and tricks will serve you great assistance to online shoppers. It will surely generate long business relations and also help you to increase the returning customers to your online web store.

Saima Naz

Oct 19, 2017

How Drop Shipping Can Speed Up Your e-Store Sales

How Drop Shipping Can Speed Up Your e-Store Sales

About Drop Shipping

Drop shipping is an ideal retailing method to start your eCommerce business which is a bit easier than other business. You don’t have to keep a stock of products in starting or doing this sort of business. You simply got to have an e-Store website designed for your newly started drop shipping business. It needs a partner as a wholesaler or supplier having wide range of stocks available in their inventory. You simply have to transfer your customers’ orders and the shipment details for your supplier. They will ship the ordered goods straight away to the your customers directly.


You will find this drop shipping eStore business very ideal with lots of advantages in it. It neither requires a warehouse or stock, nor have to worry about shipment delivery to the customers. You don’t even have to worry about a shortage of inventory issues. Your most customers don’t even know about your drop shipping business, as the shipment labels as private shipping.

Speeding Up Your e-Store Sales

There arises certain factors to increase the sales of your e-Store which are found very successful in all businesses. You have to focus on different aspects while running this business and to manage your sales. Drop shipping solves quite many problems and avoid everything that sounds useless. The following are some actions to be avoided:

  1. Make Availability of Specific Product

It becomes obvious in the eCommerce business that you shouldn’t drop shipping such products what others are doing. You should also be aware of the product inventory of your supplier whether they have products available in large quantity. If you pass your order for your customer; the product should be already available in stock at that time. This will ensure that your customer would not suffer any delays in delivering the product on time. Otherwise, you might lose your potential customers due to non-shipment or shipping the orders in delay.

  1. Set Your Specific Business Product

You should have a good look over to set your specific business products that you wish to deal with. You should make sure that you are not trying to retail the similar product and having no specific point of difference. It can provide simple research on eBay and searching for different products you wish to deal with. If you find out pages of unsold items of your product with public sale; the supply exceeds customers’ demand.

  1. Check Out Some Business Platforms

You can check out some related business platforms where you will find out more about the unique buyers and sellers.  It will surely provide the product you are dealing with their site. Thus, it will provide you to gain more sales in your specific products.

  1. Avoid Back Orders

A backorder is utmost shocking, costly and even hectic as well for drop shipping. It occurs when the supplier is unable to fulfill your customers’ sale order as the product you are selling goes out of stock. So, these sorts of back orders can become a reason for a great loss.

  1. Arrange Standby Supplier

It is far better to make an arrangement with a secondary supplier as a standby so that if your customers’ order suffers due to shortage of products at your permanent supplier’s end, you can arrange the order from your secondary supplier. Although, secondary supplier may charge some more money in return, but this extra money will just save your potential customer forever.

  1. Add Complement Inventory

Finally, after you are set in dealing with your current product as drop shipping, try adding a new range of products. This way, you can complement to your present shipping to test new product niches. Show interest to your supplier about adding a new range of products and willing to find out the response of customers by managing a few drop shipping orders at first as a test and will continue permanently if it succeeds.

Saima Naz

Oct 18, 2017

Top 7 eCommerce Myths Busted

Top 7 eCommerce Myths Busted

It provides an observation that people who do shopping visiting markets are now shopping online. They are using online ecommerce website to fulfill their shopping needs. They increase in number gradually and are also introducing their friends and families. It provides an easy and convincing way to shop online. People are shopping their products from online stores and they consider it quite easy and time-saving. You can simply visit any shopping site you like the most and search for your required product.

Confusions & Misapprehensions

But, people suffer loads of misconceptions and hesitations which remains in their minds. Online customers face several confusions while shopping especially from small ecommerce businesses. They are facing confusions but not completely aware of the authentic products are available or not on the stores. Because, they fear of fraud chances, afraid of using credit cards, and theft of personal data etc.

To Bust Notable Myths

Every ecommerce store is serving their best to provide relevant shopping needs to the online customers efficiently. It is providing a matter of anxiety among several people as they face quite many notable traditions of the ecommerce businesses. Also, it means really significant to bust myths that surround the online selling and purchasing. It provides recognition to the right and accurate sort of online ecommerce businesses.

The seven widely recognized myths are coming your way. You will find them during online selling and should need change. This will surely make the online shopping a success for all.

Myth 1 – Ecommerce Does Not Require Business Experience

According to the myths, most entrepreneurs think that ecommerce business does not need business skills. They provide something that is just under impression. The ecommerce industry thinks of getting quick money and that it does not value any experience. This older tradition should also change for good to do something good for all. So, a person should certainly require proper business experience to run any ecommerce business successfully. They must become proficient enough to make wise decisions associated with the business needs.

Myth 2 – No Ecommerce Website

Long before, the businesses run without having a prominent website. But, the basic needs of starting or running any business is a professional online website. It has become a newer trend in today’s modern world. A proper website presents the point of interaction among the customers. They can easily get all the necessary information of the business through it. Hence, it serves a precise way significantly to manage an appealing and serviceable website.

Myth 3 – Confusing Online Shopping

Even though ecommerce has advanced its ground across the world and people are more and more directing towards online store shopping. People are still following the old myths of ecommerce shopping, it is somehow easy to encourage people and to bring them to the needs of buying online. It is not just easy but time-saving and free from visiting markets through a great traffic jam. The latest trends are being introduced to persuade the customers to leave traditional shopping and accept online shopping which quite is effective in various aspects.

Myth 4 – No Profitable Categories

It is observed that ecommerce stores normally sell such profitable goods. It includes only from common categories. Ecommerce market generally includes of popular goods such as apparel, fashion products, and gadgets etc. It is already facing a sort competitive situation. So, it is also better to leave the old traditional shopping methods. You can accept choosing less widespread category products. This will make the online store more successful to make shopping ideal for everyone.

Myth 5 – No Surity of Sold Products Online

According to the older ecommerce myths, there were certain ideas for keeping the products available for sale. A great many product categories were missing from the list and thought to be void to sell online. The evolving ecommerce gave a new vision to the online stores to add still more variety of products. This will make sure what is available online for the customer’s ease. Customers can easily find from kitchen utensils to grocery items, fresh farm products to fashion jewelry. You will find a large variety of product category available for online shopping.

Myth 6 – Price Was Not Considered

Any customer would certainly attract towards getting best prices on their buying products. People suffered the pricing problem which was not at all considered in old myths of shopping. Older ways became easier to make the online shopping effective and leaving old traditions behind. The customers can have the major benefits of getting the best and ideal online shopping in best prices. The effective factor is to increase the customers is through setting the ideal prices on all goods.

Myth 7 – Insecure & Time Wasting

The older ecommerce traditional ways of shopping was a bit insecure and also time-consuming for the customers. The newer trends made amendments to bust myths. They manage to provide a high level of security and safety in different ways. Like, in cash or credit cards handling, avoiding any risk of leaking customer’s data. You should manage to process and deliver the order shipments to the customers as possible and save time.


So, customers can feeling free by getting the ideal services which were not available before at any web store. Finally, they can buy their required products as per their needs. It will let them find detail specification that they mostly look for during shopping.

Saima Naz

Oct 17, 2017

7 Ways To Make The eCommerce Checkout Process More Attractive

7 Ways To Make The eCommerce Checkout Process More Attr...

E-commerce has provided vast benefits to the customers. They can fulfill their essential requirements according to their needs and without any hindrances. In this regards, they have several ways to make the e-commerce checkout process excellent. It can provide more attractive and easy ways to the customers while shopping online.

Unrealistic Checkout System

You will find specific rules for improving the checkout process. This way, everyone can find it excellent and comfortable for all. People become perhaps the victim of an unfeasible or just impracticable checkout system of the ecommerce business. It is really annoying to complete a proper purchase through the online store. The most websites get constructed with the purpose of transforming the visitors into potential customers. But, that won’t work if there is a poor checkout format available for the users. Potential customers always look for rapid and adequate online practices and you need to ensure everything happens according to their demands.

Concept of Excellent Checkout Process

You should never let flee your visitors from your website. They can actually become your potential customers in the future. You should care and provide the necessary evaluation to make an easy checkout process or design. But, it makes sure the processing is practically supportive for the customers. An important question arises why do visitors leave their shopping cart so frequent. You should know what flaws make visitors leave and avoid forever. You should try to introduce the ideal checkouts. We are trying to list down some type of a common but perfect ways that would surely improve. It will create an excellent perception of the best checkout process.

Here are, some excellent ways or suggestions described below for the proper checkout process. It will contribute to making it easy, beneficial and attractive for all. These key features will surely provide a better path to practice good checkout system for ecommerce businesses.

Immediate & Fast: The process should make fast move and work on rapid payment system. This will go on without pauses and buying process will immediately confirm your success. If the system is delaying or slowing the loading process, it may create a bad impression on the customers. This can make sure they quit and never to visit again on your online store in the future.

Easy Registration Process: Such online store should also practice the easy registration process which will encourage the customers to register easily. You will certainly avoid losing your potential sales from your end with the easy registration practices.

Security Encouragement: Customers become confused and they also have doubts against only security issues. So, your online store should make sure your customers for satisfying security checkups. You should encourage them and build a confirmed trust mark forever.

Easy & Precise Form: Most of the customers find it hectic to fill long and confusing online form. So, you should make it simple and precise as possible to avoid asking for too much or irrelevant data from them. It will make sure your form is error-free while submitting the form.

Processing Indicator: Even, you should introduce a proper processing indicator for your customers. They will clearly know where they stand at a specific moment during their shopping. They will know what the steps remain to complete the buying process. So, this process will provide an indicator bar to let them know exactly about the processing time left in their shopping.

Determined Summary: You should also set a reminder or to provide a determined summary to the users by filling items in their baskets. Of course, this would make them precise of the total cost and about the order at any time.

Eliminate Disturbances: Also, a proper enclosed checkout system will make sure that the online shoppers will highly focus on their shopping. It will probably eliminate any sort of disturbance that can cause during checkouts.


The above checkout process will surely prove excellent features for the customers. You will not lose any of your visitors who are certain to become your potential customers.

Saima Naz

Oct 16, 2017

Social Media Image Sizes/Dimensions for 2017

Social Media Image Sizes/Dimensions for 2017

Since, the users of Social media platforms are increasingly using different image sizes and formats to post or share their topics. Here, are some updates over image sizes which will be used as an updated format in 2017. The Social media image sizes will explain you what will be the best and appropriate image sizes for posting on your social network. Every main social platform is mentioned below with the relevant type of image sizes which will be used as a proper image optimization.

Tips & Guide

You will also find some very swift understanding tips and guide to help you support for making your mind set up on what image size to be used on what social platform. It will be a worth to note tips that all the images, including logos or text may be ideal for uploading on different platforms in PNG formats, while the photos will do in JPG formats.

For Facebook

The image of the Facebook profile picture which commonly appears throughout your Facebook main page and represents you or your brand if it is used commercially. So, the Facebook profile picture images can be used at any higher resolution than 180 × 180 pixels size. This picture image is only displayed on your profile page at this resolution size.
Profile picture image size: 180 × 180 pixels

The cover photo is basically the featured image which appears at the top of your Facebook profile page. If any image size is uploaded lower than 828 × 315 pixels, you will notice that it will be stretched out to come across the size.
Cover photo image size: 828 × 315 pixels

The feed images are the photos which are commonly used in your newly created posts. It displays on your profile page and will be visible to other users’ news feeds. Facebook is still to upscale images which are lower than 1200 × 630 pixels sizes. It is recommended that the uploaded images that are greater than 1200 × 630 pixels sizes, still fulfill the equal feature ratio.
Image sizes in feed: 1200 × 630 pixels

For Twitter

The image of the Twitter profile picture that is commonly appeared throughout on your Twitter main page and represents you or your brand if it is used commercially.
Profile photo image size: 400 × 400 pixels

The header photo is basically the featured image which appears as a circular frame at the top of your Twitter profile page. If any image size is uploaded lower than 1500 × 500 pixels, you will notice that it will be stretched out to come across the size. Twitter is still to upscale images which are lower than 1500 × 500 pixels sizes.
Header image size: 1500 × 500 pixels

The In-stream photo image that is commonly appeared in your entire tweets; should be 440 × 220 pixels sizes, which is the at least requirement.
In-stream photo image size: 440 × 220 pixels.
Maximum file size: 5MB for photos. 3MB for GIFs.

For Instagram

The image added in the Instagram profile picture is commonly appeared throughout on your Instagram main page. It represents you or your brand if it is used commercially. Just similar to Twitter, Instagram also complies a circular frame for profile your image.
Profile image size: 110 × 110 pixels

Instagram post photos consider very vital content over this platform. Therefore, it provides getting the best result from Instagram posts and images. You must upload minimum 1080 × 1080 pixels resolution sizes. The images are higher than 1080 × 1080 pixels the said size will be scaled back. While, the uploaded images set in the feed will appear as 600 × 600 pixels sizes.
Post image size: 1080 × 1080 pixels

For YouTube

YouTube appearance varies on different devices that are used for. It has presented distinct appearance for desktop, mobile, iPhones, tablet, iPad and TV sets. Therefore, its channel cover photo image size is the best at 2560 × 1440 pixels sizes to upload.
Channel art image size: 2560 × 1440 pixels

Thumbnails provides YouTube videos as a fast snapshot for audiences. It serves better recognition what the video is really about. The image suggests to fulfill these needs by using a 16:9 featuring ratio. It is trying the best for YouTube players and previews.
Video thumbnails image size: 1920 × 1080 pixels

Saima Naz

Oct 15, 2017

Handy eCommerce Tools To Kickstart Online Sales

Handy eCommerce Tools To Kickstart Online Sales

The Internet had created a very noteworthy impression on e-commerce. So, the famous brands are trying their level best to sell their products online. This concept became an ideal way to sell products online and had opened new opportunities to local businesses. They can sell their products to their customers living in far away locations. We see a large number of online business stores are being already set up today. Many online platforms are arriving in the market instantly and are starting their new businesses. The new startups commonly face a lot of competition with the older online shopping stores. It becomes difficult when you sell your products online in their presence.

You will find here some certain handy eCommerce tools for assisting online sales. 

Google Analytics – Tracks & Reports Website Traffic

Google Analytics presents a free tool for getting the website analytics offered by Google. Hence, it serves its best to track website searches and complete reports. These reports can be easily downloaded to analyze the website traffic. You can gain the entire comprehensive statistical website reports regarding the visitors searching your website from different locations. You will find complete data available through this unique service. Moreover, it includes the visitors approaching onto different pages, page views, and bounce rate. You will find the data for average time spent by the visitors on the website. It also tracks the web pages per visit and the percentage ratio of new and returning visitors.

Google Alerts – Detection & Notification Service

Google Alerts serves one of the supreme tool supporting the online e-commerce stores efficiently. It supports in identifying the content change and provides notification service, presented by Google. This service provides the high alerting service immediately and sends emails to the user account. It does this when it discovers something new like new web pages, new articles, news, blogs, or any scientific research. Therefore, you will find this comprehensive ideal to match the search criteria of the users.

Salesforce – Customer Relationship Management Platform

Salesforce provides a highly supportive tool that is serving online customers to build long business relations. The main idea serves to supply programs and services for the customers in an innovative ways. Salesforce provides successful platform for the customers like social and mobile cloud technologies. It includes with flagship sales and CRM applications.

MailChimp – Marketing Automation Tool

MailChimp presents one of the ideal marketing automation tools. It serves a great platform that provides email marketing service and it initially began its services as a paid platform. This service added a freemium option later on and you will find it an ultimate software tool which is likely to change the way you market your business. It will provide an easy access to your product over the internet. Thus, it alerts an email marketing platform which offers you a number of easy choices. You can design, send and save any kind of templates of your emails.

GT Metrix – Website Speed Analyzing Tool

GTMetrix provided a famous tool that is being used for getting detailed performance reports of the website. It also serves as a free tool that is serving its best to analyze the speed performance of your website page. GTMetrix uses the Google Page Speed and YSlow to analyze the website which offers a detailed description of the best practices of speed optimizations. This service runs through a WordPress plugin which is a free tool to analyze your website speed. Thus, it presents improvement ideas and manage the performance accordingly.

Hootsuit Amplify – A Tool For Sharing Content

Hootsuite Amplify becomes a perfect tool to search and share news, stories, and interesting articles. It plays a vital role in sharing lots of more engaging content that allows employees to share their stories and news. Hootsuite provides a resonating platform that works via their mobile devices. So, it manages an employee support solution to connect all the staff. You can find it easy to create and to share permitted social content with their followers and friends.

WooCommerce Currency Converter – Open Source Currency Exchange Rates

The WooCommerce currency converter is offering great service which is a tool that enables global customers to convert prices. It converts the buying product prices as per the daily currency rate of their respective countries. So, the converter does the ideal thing that e-commerce tool is using the robotic sense. Thus, the currency converts easily for the online shopper’s existing place and region. This perfect tool creates the global online customers sense that they are given high value. Therefore, it gives the convenience through easy online shopping practices. The tool will finish the checkout process without departing from your online store which guarantees experience.

Zendesk / Zopim – Livechat Support & Web Analytics Tool

Zendesk chat supports as a tool for the online business that makes the personalization quite exact. It served formerly as Zopim and permitted individual support using several channels. The tool serves the website, phone call, lives chatting or via social platforms. Thus, this interface serves as an online tool, including recognition of your online customers. It supports the contact data, product buying history, and quite actions run successfully. The tool makes things easier also and to present a personalize audience service experience.

Saima Naz

Oct 14, 2017

Shopify vs Bigcommerce – The Promising eCommerce Platform

Shopify vs Bigcommerce – The Promising eCommerce ...

Bigcommerce and Shopify are both well-recognized software. They both allow you the best services for selling your products online. Both the services simply run on the web browsers effectively. It means that there is a nonentity to install on your desktop computers or on your laptops. So, you can easily manage your online store from any location through the internet.

The Idea of The Two Platform

The perfect idea behind the services of the two software is that you can successfully use them for creating an online portal. It works well without requiring anything likely design or code. You can simply have to pick a template from a wide range of theme designs provided to you. So, you can upload your products and mark your product prices. Finally, you will see both the platforms will let you gain your successful business.

Easy To Use

Shopify provides the facility to add your product as per your need. A user can fill remarkably detailed fields for entering data for title, description even to link text to different websites. The web pages serve to barcodes, catalog policy application, and image gallery. The standard data fields of Shopify offers the whole thing you require for uploading a product with all precisely.

BigCommerce is providing services to designing for a large number of websites for customers all over the UK. Also, it serves simply a drag and drop tool. This tool provides consideration for very ideal for small and medium-sized commercial requirements. The e-commerce platform structures to provide somehow left behind other service providers. But, at the time of navigating this platform is not that much tough and the features provided by this ecommerce tool are fairly limited. Even, you can also add colors, cost prices, and sizes. But, it does not show as obviously as it does in Shopify.

Business Support

Shopify provides phone call support and to answer customers’ questions 24/7. It also serves well for online authentication to save the time of the customers. Even, this software provides a domestic number to call. Ecommerce community of Shopify works very energetically which means lots of tips are on hand.

BigCommerce also available 24/7 to support their customers on all channels. It means to serve dedicated responses to ideal claims. Thus, it supports to resolve most of the issues on the first call and to response the customers in less time.

Professional Technical Support

Shopify has been very devoted to providing the technical support to their online customers successfully. So, this platform does the best in making the transition and getting someone to recognize how to supply goods accurately. The expert professionals list work and try their best to provide satisfaction to the customers.

BigCommerce goes beyond the build partners of Shopify. They suggest optimization experts to provide the best technical support to the customers. Ideally, it is serving the best to expand the services to the online customers. They try their level best to incorporate their technical support whenever they require.

Available Apps & Plugins

Shopify devotes highly to providing e-commerce apps and plugins. These services require to provide the best services to the customers. About 5,000 apps have worked already and are serving the customers all the way long. Moreover, a long list of apps continuously releases everyday and presents Shopify arena with lots of choices.

BigCommerce has a very limited quantity of apps available as compared to Shopify. The customers have limited options to select with free and paid plans. It is also serving to categorize into marketing, the point of sale, and product review.

Features & Benefits

Shopify has set an attractive pricing plan for their customers, which are reasonable for the startup and new customers. Also, it includes with all the inspiring features along with the availability of alot of free add-ons apps to offer more e-commerce swag to the customers.

BigCommerce has planned standard package offer, including various features with sales points for a year, which is added on a monthly basis. It provides the apps that add power free of charge in different modes.

Saima Naz

Oct 13, 2017

Why Hardware Startups Failure is More Common?

Why Hardware Startups Failure is More Common?

Hardware startups commonly observe to fail for certain reasons. Even, large business tycoons have disappeared from the scene. But, it does not mean that your will power had also suffered from that failure. Firstly, you should know the mutual reasons of failure in hardware startups. You should organize yourself along with your team to avoid barriers of the startups.

A common saying reveals that hardware is hard. But, it does not mean that it is not conceivable. You can dare say that the introduction of any hardware product is not that much easier. If you have started as the initial platforms; somehow, you must consider to proceed with the innovative idea of products.

Here, some ideas present to focus arising challenges on hardware startups and avoiding failure.

Misjudging Product Development Expenditures

It works well when necessary steps are taken to develop a product from scratch. It comes out with a huge budgeting which means its success to starting a new business using all the resources. But, you will find yourself still facing the expenditures on the trail to commercialization. Even, you may have heard several tales for other businesses which show what can truly occur. Something, when we do not precisely estimate our real costing budgets. Even though, huge organizations are earning millions and billions of dollars of revenues. Yet, they have forced the shutdown. Thus, the hardware startup underestimated not only the budgeting costs. But even, their development timeline ended up with a lot of irritated customers and major delays.

Dearth of Targeted Market Research & Confirmation

Market Research provides one of the major needs of any business startups and of course it is really significant when you plan to enter any industry. You got to have a proper research over the targeted market and should be continuously confirming the researching facts. It will help you focus your targeted market so that you can easily get the idea of specific industry which you are venturing into. Having quite many startups can create a situation with the products in a void, so only realizing that later will not be meeting the needs of their targeted consumers. So, you should have proper understanding of your customers and obtaining their feedback all the way through the process of development. This means quite good and necessary to have a successful startup.

Reluctance To Alteration Original Product Concept

For a startup of any business; sometimes, you think that the original idea will not work as you have thought to be. It means the product you finalized for your startup might not be as good as you dreamt of, so you might alter your thought over having a new product. Even, your designing concept might change due to giving preferences to your customers and manufacturing limitations. No wonder what the motive be exposed to have a change, but it makes clears a great thing to have a good idea. It will surely make you embarking and successful on this journey in the first place. But, you should feel ready to alter that idea if you think it necessary in the future.

Incorrect Manufacturing Companion

Finally, think over your business, you should remain confident to have the right manufacturing companion. It is necessary when coming to the level of manufacturing phase of your precise products. You will be attracted to certain things which will inspire and provide you an effective trail to your success. Your manufacturing companions must add services in different means to you as to speed up in every process. They should accurately confirm the reliability and the importance to remain open in communication. You will observe the precise characteristics to seek for contracting an authentic manufacturer who will make the most of your business needs on time. Many startups appreciate working with small business groups at the beginning. It observes to be advantageous because they think that their products will get real attention to them.

Saima Naz

Oct 12, 2017

A Complete Guide To Franchise Marketing in The Digital World

A Complete Guide To Franchise Marketing in The Digital ...

Franchise marketing considered very ideal for overcoming obstacles faced in digital marketing. It works along with rapid success to boost up your online marketing presence for your customers. It certainly provides a perfect way to give a boosting start to your marketing plan for achieving success.

Franchise Marketing

Franchise marketing, discusses to apply a specific strategy on branded online marketing. It works the best for individual franchise location underneath a comprehensive business strategy. Usually, franchise marketing comprises of certain platforms like print advertisement, tv advertisement, radio advertisement, direct mailing, and PR. In our current digital era, it prolongs to the online realm, where the topmost competitors’ website have been search engine optimized. Along with that, you will also find local search engine marketing, pay per click, social media, and video supporting as franchise marketing. For instance, a franchisee, customer relies on the business website to create local inquiries. This lets you to increase the online presence and grab more local inquiries.

Marketing Channels For Franchises

Initially, it does not matter whether you appear as a franchisee or franchiser. But, you got to recognize your actual digital marketing platform. Here, you will find the top channels available for digital marketing such as search engine marketing, content, business website, social media, including video, pay per click advertising, and email marketing.

For SEO or SEM

Search engine optimization serves quite a vital role for franchises. But, it does not matter if you appear as franchisee or franchisor when people search for your specific service on any major search engines. As the main aim of SEO; to provide you as much high results page as possible in search engines. At this, they require four things to rank fine organically for your entire franchise locations. You will also require the bulk of the unique, appropriate, and outstanding content. Even, your content must offer a value to your audiences and reply the questions by their search requests. Your entire web presence should create your company as an ideal authority in your specific industry. Even, you must make it domestically significant to the online searchers, with markup and content to keep targeted searches.

For Social Media

Social media plays a sort of extraordinary power role for franchises because it’s a channel which can be well controlled. There comes a certain tip for franchises to create a social media strategy manual that assists franchises to obvious directions on for branding, messaging, and how to avail success. It allows significant work and allow the Facebook page locations feature. Suppose, you got the main brand page and it doesn’t have any specific address and intends to be the only page at the commercial level. Each location page maintains according to the franchisee and can be retrieved by corporate level.

For Pay Per Click

Pay-per-click advertising play great role and also measure as one of the ideal ways to make your business famous among people. For instance, they search for their precise needs to fulfill their goals. We have some tips for franchises which, if you think it as domestic franchise. It uses to display ads and also search ads for promoting the brand contributions as well as local locations. You are going to provide your franchises some extra ammo to increase buy-in the brand, and ultimately leads and sales as well.

For Email

Email marketing promotions provide an efficient way to increase your franchising business. Thus, it commonly calls an opt-in email marketing which means to send you appropriate messages to relevant customers, potential customers, referral associates, or even to the retailers. So, it means they specifically choos to send them promotional email. It also considers as an important task because if a user has preferred to accept content from your franchise. They will find it more probable to open the email. So, this type opt-in email marketing plan considers more efficient to get you required leads and sales you are looking for.

Saima Naz

Oct 11, 2017