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9 Website Designing Tips For Beginners

9 Website Designing Tips For Beginners

  1. Web design is a difficult job initially, it is because there are several ways to make a website when you are intending to do so. Use of brands is a sidekick job when there is the development of a good website with proper implications. The designing of a website starts off when you make indulgence through a series of actions which are preferable.
  1. Be reliant on your creativity with skills and craft you can just start of designing a website which makes a hell of a lot of differences to you. A website is a beginning for those who are insisting on the innovation and quality that is at its peak to start designing a website. The implementation of a particular kind of feature that some websites have like mentioning a few words on a window and being particular with the web content is what you can access.
  1. This feature makes a confusing decision you might be putting in with website construction needed to get designed through an option that has an increase of visitors for a purpose. Also, redirection to some other place can have complications and you will need to wait a few minutes before you get to work on this website you access.
  1. Also getting to access features such as; about us or contact us, there are preferred links that you will always want to go on within a new page opening. What is disappointing about this is that a user gets to wait a while and changes his mind if the page doesn’t open. This is why there is modal window use to have regular access to websites you use.

Ways To Design A Web For Starters

  1. Making sentimental use of text, images and other related stuff on your website shows improvements which are necessary to be done. Best implemented websites have text and relevant content that gets posted on them making a relied upon and available use and access in all situations. To make a successfully visited website, it shouldn’t be a source of information that you wouldn’t want to visit.
  1. Having the expediency to make a website that is for your betterment, there is a design pattern that gets acquirements with easy access. If there is a large text source it is a bit lethargic and the need to make the website look more attractive is because it is what should be your aim as a developer. Being a web designer, you will need to make the right features availed at the right time with a purpose in making your website look good.
  1. If there is a lot of text that you are told to place on your website, try to make it summarised and use the best and more suitable option you are given. A website which is the most attractive has features you can anxiously use when making the particular design. To fill the website with important information is generosity, there are other aspects you need to look at such as lack of space.

Designing Processes For Websites As A New Developer

  1. People who visit websites regularly are pleased with the simple features that are put into action and are points you will need to use. A lot of mechanisms get you to make a website that you are developing, and perception of the simple construction of a site is made through development tactics and ideas you want to put into use.
  1. A project has several uses and means to accept and consistently have a site developed which is practical. So try out options that have never been tried out before, to make your website look as unique as new and have more visitors than ever. Innovation is a requirement but an access can be difficult to use with differences you always accept.

Saima Naz

Jun 23, 2017

What Can You Do To Improve Your “Forgot Your Password?” Functionality?

What Can You Do To Improve Your “Forgot Your Password...

Whenever there is a loss of password, use of inputting fields like username and email as well as user question are a few things you can take into consideration. See that the email you have entered is a legitimate one and you have provided it through a sequence of actions with which you work. You can get a sound and immediate response that has to do with effective usage of accredited websites such as or

You as a user can use a temporary password and get a resetting you will always consider and make use with ease. It is a two-step process which you will need to go through, eventually clicking on the link that gets you to the change password page. Authentic change of password makes a correct alteration of passwords with a new password still getting changed after you have named it.

See to it that there is a permanent email address that you associate with all your accounts making pertinent modification when there is a requirement for it. See to it that effective differences that are accountable through the assertive use of transferring the password to different locations can get it recovered. If in case you don’t get an email address promptly, you can make resolution by placing the answer of the secret question in the recollection box.

See to it that there is indispensable and processed username reshuffling that gets you to alter your password through the username when you need it. Seek through the password recovery options to click on the forgot password link and start the processing of retaining it. The simple clicks and movement from one page to another make sense.

If You Forget Your Password What Is The Solution You Can Use?

If you don’t remember your password or there are doubts that you get led to, you can make a few checks once you sign in through a forgot password link. Make a salient move by checking into your records whether there is any question that you might have saved online. Once you have an idea of the password base question, make a selection of the secret question and input values inside.

Get a more acceptable process to recover your username and password and see that there are correct fields inputted in the process. The user can enter a username and then strike on the forgot password key that helps you manoeuvre through a few steps to use and access the website you want to be on.

Searching online can be a good solution but it is advised that there is a know-how of the exact values that fits into the equation when you want to recover your password. If there is an option of entering a secret question instead of the username there are consistent options you will always want to consider. The different fields that are inputted are to be read such as password change requests with columns ID, Time and UserID. When there are changes that are always clicked on, the change in field is accounted with and there is a record you might have started.

How To Make The Password Get Recovered Through Forget Password?

Making the password to change can be led by different reasons such as logging in from an unknown IP address or reentering the password a few times incorrectly thereby leading to a warning email sent to a known email address. Select a password that you know you will remember and enter it into the password change option you make use of. Prefer not to lose any important information you might have entered through the password change process.

See to it that you make considerations and avail through a password check the best way to get resettlement of passwords within a specified amount of time.  Be consistent throughout the logging in processes to enter the correct usernames and passwords and never let out the password to others unless there is an emergency.

Saima Naz

Jun 22, 2017

Best Website Design Ideas in 2017

Best Website Design Ideas in 2017

When you are out to design websites there are different processes and templates you will need to underline to make best design features in processing. The use of different ideas is what you generally understand and make the crux of a web developer who is there trying to figure out what to do. Making an idealistic website is the provision of a clean and clear mind that is necessitating to have.

You can avail through an online means, a selection of designing features that you find important in most ways where you practice. An original design is where there is generally important thinking and the arts and crafts worked out as a special designing means you always use. Search through the online material which readily gets provided and make the best of web designing you are involved in.

Web designing inspirations are a means that are connecting you as an online developer and a person who makes the web in a livable environment. A more artistic process is always where there are several designing features you want to connect with in different situations. Having the courage to see what is more suitable in most situations, gets you to work things out normally.

A few features that need to be put into usage are colour palettes, website types and design styles that help get you a good website design feature. Being a specialised designing and individual that you are assured to be, there are certain patterns you want to keep at hand in different situations. Get a design style and be prepared to convince the user of a website with the design and specification it has.

Better Design Tricks For Web Designers

Web design has more tricks you can accept to make regular use of a particular kind of design that will make your website look attractive. Settle having a selection of ways and means you regularly accept when you start designing the website you want. Perceive a regular kind of template and make best efforts to design the website according to standards that it was meant for.

Illustrations and handmade carvings on websites make it look as attractive as you can perceive and are perfect for the management of web design with regular features. A more vivid implementation of a website is what you might want to make as there is a faultless design which is implemented. The use of specialised textures and patterns are just a way the website needs to get designed with pertinence and ease of access.

Have a correct kind of website design that you influence others with who are regular website visitors, making their purpose felt and understood. Where a perceptive and contested method of access is relevant there is ease of use with a standard designed website that always makes an impact on the online industry in different ways.

Idealistic Website Design Processes You Will Need

Designing is not an inborn art but is has management with developing trends you get as you are trained to manage. With the use of particular design features, there is management which solely relies on ways websites are managed and developed with a trend.  Depending on the product there is still more than you will want to consider with designing features specially kept in mind.

See to it that you make the product shown through an image on the front page and get the illustration a little bit ahead. Serve the purpose to perfect an implementation through a basic mind’s eye you can place on the website to show a description that makes logic. Have an understanding and convey an online world of evidence that is where a picture and explanation strikes out directly to you. Be more illustrative rather than being slow and boring in designing a website with ease.

Saima Naz

Jun 21, 2017

What Is Information Architecture And Why It Is Important To Your Website

What Is Information Architecture And Why It Is Importan...

The web site movements are common features that always get used and are ways to move from one page to another on the online web. Most visited locations are least judged and are more or less accountable when you get through a page every now and then. Website navigation makes a more concerned use through movements within the website having full-scale use in different ways.

Seeing the navigation features as acceptable such as movement from one page to another is done at a quick pace to see the website. Make a use of the online website and see a going through sets of web pages until the one you want to skim past. Information architecture is an organisation of data on the web and deduction you are assured to make.

Use of the website lies with the implementation of information architecture as it supports site navigation in online and dependable means. A purpose that is there for information architecture is a choice of what you want a user to do and what users understand as relevant in most situations where there is a debate for you.

Benefits Of Information Architecture To The Website You Operate

The structure or way there is an organisation in ways that are used to represent and tag what you see as important implications. See traffic that needs to get analysed as there is data that might have a connection on the online site. Simple personal data and user information make you get an information analysis that is the need.

Looking at maps that truly define site structure makes a reliable declaration and is the way to look at the site in different situations. Seeing two parts that are products and services makes your site look in place with issues put into use. You can also rename a section so that it is helpful for the user in more circumstances.

It takes a little time if you make a logical outcome of the page layout you will want to use. The latest information can be adopted when you see a review through a list of aspects you always want to contend through. The intention of information architecture is to balance what is done by the user at different situations.

Implementation Of Information Architecture And Its Pros

To make perfection and understanding requirements there are to the website are more compulsive agreements and can always be implicated. A first sight what you do is get a mapping out of the client website with a means to always access and perfect easily. Since the process is time-consuming and slow there are relevant decisive resolutions you use online.

Though a process of information collection is long and tedious there can be recollection in more situations that you need to accrue as. Information on the structure of the information architecture is still a need in most situations when you want consideration. An SEO search engine gets helpful recollection in situations where there is mapping done in most situations.

To get to share information into a map seems more efficient and essentially encompasses the way the site operates. You can map the information architecture through Microsoft word which makes a worth it deal as a way there is mapping which is laid out for a website under consideration.

When there are speculations about a lower ranking that a website is suffering there is necessitation and a self-confident determination you can make use of. A link and structure are always built and there are corrections with the website and its improvement on search engines you associate to. Make rectification through an information architecture which relies on a means to accredit and correct ranking of a good running website.

Saima Naz

Jun 20, 2017

The Evolution Of JavaScript In Recent Times

The Evolution Of JavaScript In Recent Times

Javascript was created by Brendan Eich, who was an employee at Netscape Communications Corporation at that time. He began to develop a scripting language which was initially called as LiveScript with the purpose of utilizing it both in the browser and on the server. Thus, the Netscape moved into a specific development cooperation with Sun Microsystems for a comprehensive implementation of LiveScript in time for release.

Netscape altered the name LiveScript to JavaScript in order to take advantage of Java as a new Internet catchword. Thus, JavaScript became one of the most necessary and must-have from that fact. Netscape released the version 1.1 in Netscape Navigator 3.0. because the JavaScript 1.0 was such a hit. Further, Microsoft was confident to throw its hat into the ring as it released Internet Explorer 3.0 and along with a JavaScript-clone called JScript. It was decided simply because to evade any likely licensing issues which can be caused with Netscape.


The necessary step was taken here for Microsoft into the dominion of Web browsers which is now a date that lives in notoriety for Netscape. But it also signified a key step taken in the development of JavaScript as a common language.

Moreover, three various JavaScript versions were released as follows:

  • JavaScript in Netscape Navigator
  • JScript in Internet Explorer
  • CEnvi in ScriptEase.

Here, JavaScript had no specific standards in leading its syntax or features unlike C language and quite many other programming languages. These three various versions have only highlighted this problem as with industry fears escalating and it was obvious that the language must become consistent. JavaScript 1.1 has however succumbed to the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) as an inspiring application in 1997.

Thus, the Technical Committee was apportioned for regulating the syntax and semantics of a universal purpose, cross-platform, vendor-neutral scripting language. The programmers from Netscape, Sun, Microsoft, Borland, and some other organizations with interest met for months to get prominent results out from ECMA-262 for the future scripting. So as to use it as a standard describing new script language which was named to be as ECMAScript.

Since then, the Web browsers have tried, with changeable aspects of success and failure, so as to use ECMAScript as one of the bases for their JavaScript implementations. The fifth standard and latest version was released on December 3, 2009, and it was one of the approved editions just came over a year ago. It includes an enormous range of countless additions, and different sorts of such starts ups to show up in different browsers.

ECMAScript Editions

Given below are the ECMAScript Editions which were launched since the beginning of Java till present:

Year       Name                Description

1997      ECMAScript 1     First Edition.

1998      ECMAScript 2     Editorial changes done only.

1999      ECMAScript 3     Regular Expressions added. (fully supported in all browsers.)

Try/catch added.

ECMAScript 4     Was never released.

2009      ECMAScript 5     Strict mode added. (fully supported in all modern browsers.)

JSON support added.

2010      ECMAScript 5     Also called as JavaScript 1.8.5.

2011      ECMAScript 5.1 Editorial changes done.

2015      ECMAScript 6     Classes and modules added. (partially supported in all modern browsers.)

2016      ECMAScript 7     Exponential operator added (**). (poorly supported in all browsers.)

Array.prototype.includes added.

2017      ECMAScript 8     Advanced to stage 4

Saima Naz

Jun 19, 2017

Skills UI/UX Designers Should Have In Development

Skills UI/UX Designers Should Have In Development

As there are abilities that are inculcated with different ways that are used in programming which is concerning UI/UX design. The UX design or user experience design is a kind of more technical or meant design that includes preferential logical and optimising means against input which makes the core of a strategic process.

Another UI design or User Interface design is an optimistic kind of online plan you want to connect with. Use of different skills is what need to be implemented where strategy features are relevant and make you user-friendly. An implementation on tablets or mobiles is relevant and can be inculcated where there are necessary access and consideration that makes it more sensible for applications.

Get in touch with Professional web Development Company.

Where an effective and essential touch screen means it is always a key issue because there is a development pattern that gets set out. Seek through an imperative resource, a more convincing method that is implemented in UI/UX design using different methods. A prototype design which seems to have a strong hold on most aspects is related to features that improve your skills with the proposal.

Abilities UI/UX Designers Have Which Makes Them Good Programmers

An ability to make a project prototype is a way to have initiation in the design process that you are inculcating and take part in. One way to see the way you intend to look rather than get results that you want to show has better responsiveness. It will be easy to attain a designer job in UI/UX when you have the right expertise that is acceptable and makes pertinent implementation.

Requirements to implement responsive design has you connecting to multiple devices together having an expertise which makes sense. Use of design capabilities is responsive and more connective with abilities to inculcate through different skills that are a need. Very concerned, the use of design and implementation is inculcation as a requirement whenever handling.

Improving a relationship between a service provider and client makes it a reliable experience you can use. An activity to plan and come into action through an organised means is relevant and a more usable means you need to avail. Comprehensive knowledge about the way design is usually carried out has reason to approve as it makes you a designer you desire to be.

Development At Peak With UI/UX Design

Proper user research needs to be implored so that there is effective and worth it usage you want and implore with necessities. Seek the right kind of abilities that are part of a contentious design program that has the aim to recognise with several implementable tasks. Another ability is to make the customer get convinced is through proper inception and association you require.

People who are affluent UI/UX designers also have a firsthand ability and access you might be used in most ways. Implementation of drop down menus online are processes you always connect with to struggle and seek a design process you implement. The software keeps getting updated every other year, so there is need to have revision through consistency you require having a regular skill.

Making a skilful individual design through UI/UX has several important improvements in abilities that need to be shared when implementing. Use of proper skills and means to approve through advanced design patterns is what gets consideration in the development and the field of UI/UX design.

More attainable use is with regular online design capabilities that improve ways there has been contrivances as a proper tool makes the process worthwhile. To update about more information in the design process and implementation, there is apprehension which is always adopted. Make yourself the designer you want to become irrespective of difficulties it holds.

Saima Naz

Jun 17, 2017

Learn how to Create a Magento Theme from Scratch

Learn how to Create a Magento Theme from Scratch

Themes are an important part for any website or ecommerce store. They are the most important part of the front end UI and the back end interface for any web. There are two things which make Magento the most flexible and a powerful ecommerce platform, one is organized structure and the other its millions of functionalities.

The very first thing that any developer do while creating any new project in Magento, is create a Magento theme which have custom styling and functionality. Creating a Magento theme is quite easy and simple. All you have to do is to follow Magento recommendations and rules to make things more simplified.

This Magento theme creation from scratch blog is for beginners and will cover most of the basic front end theme development. So let’s get started.

Magento Theme Fundamentals

Magento themes are stored in design packages. Every package can have multiple themes.

When you install Magento, 3 packages are available.


Base Package: The default Magento theme with all the necessary work files are placed in here. Never, ever delete or edit Base packages files

Default Package: this package is found in CE edition of Magento not in EE. This can be removed safely from the package while installation and can be restored while upgrading Magento.

RWD: It is the new package which contains new responsive Magento theme.

Magento has two main folders in collaboration with each other.

“App Directory” contains files which controls how template pages are rendered.

“Skin Directory” contains files which controls site’s appearance.

Template Files



The layout folder has XML files which defines and control structural and content blocks of the theme.

The template folder has .phtml files – contains the markup for each Magento blocks which are displayed in the front-end

  • Skin files



Skin folder has everything such as CSS, images, js, Sass etc

Do remember the package and the theme names must be same in both the design and skin folders

Time to Create the Theme

Firstly, create a new design package in “design” and “skin” folders.

In the design package, create a new folder for your theme and name it.

Now create two new folders in the theme folder namely “layout” and “template”

In skin folder, open the theme folder and create these folders – css, js, and images

Now create “local.xml” and place it in the “layout” folder

Starting up with the Theme

Now tell Magento which package and theme are default one

For this, go to

System > configuration > design


Tell Magento which package will be used. You can see above, assets can be used from multiple things. Templates can be called from one theme, skin files from other. Paste the theme name in all the fields except “default” one.

Voila, your theme is already.

But wait we are not done yet. You got no files in your folder and for that you’ll be needing Magento fall back system help.

Magento fall back system helps you to edit your theme without duplicating unchanged files.

Magento has many small blocks which are rendered and combined to be served. If any of these files are missing, you will get an error and the site will be broken

Basically Magento looks for files in the theme folder. If finds it, outputs it , if not then it looks for default theme in custom design package and even if it doesn’t find  it there then it goes to search in “base” package and look for it. And if doesn’t find it anywhere then Magento generates error.

So now you have learned as how the Magento fall back system works.

There are three rules to follow.

  • Create your own design package and the theme inside it.
  • Duplicate the files from base/default folder, but make sure only the ones which can be edited
  • The theme should hold the files which are changed.

Well I hope this article will help in creating a Magento theme. Got any questions? Don’t wait. Ask them in the comment section below.

Saima Naz

Jun 15, 2017

How to set up a CDN (Amazon CloudFront) in Magento

How to set up a CDN (Amazon CloudFront) in Magento

To speed up the websites can be sometimes a daunting task, but it can be done easily if you set up your Magento store by using Amazon CDN (CloudFront Content Delivery) Network to serve all the media files, JavaScript and CSS.

CloudFront caches content on servers throughout the world and displays to the viewers based on the locations, to reduce network transmit time, in result to load the page faster.

To setup the CloudFront, one need an AWS account. Once the account sets up, go to AWS management console and select CloudFront and click on “Create Distribution”. This will immediately start the process for creating a custom CDN for the Magento site.

Get Free Help From Professional Magento website development company.

You have to create a “Web” distribution to speed up the distribution of static and dynamic content. Some necessary fields to create the distribution are:

  • Origin Domain Name – the actual site name – on which the CloudFront will pull the content from if it’s not cached in the CDN. The Origin ID is Amazon internal ID which will be used to identify the distribution so it should be unique.



  • The alternate domain name (CNAME) is the place where you’ll put the URL to pull the content from.

Now click on the Create Distribution and the CloudFront will start creating the CDN.

Time to configure the DNS, go to the distribution which is just created and see for the CloudFront specific domain name. Copy that domain name with the DNS provider, configure the CNAME to point from http://cdn.your-magento-site to the CloudFront domain name.

When you are done with the Cloudfront configuration and the CNAME had propagated, time to test it by loading the image from the site to the browser and use the URL from CDN. The image should be loaded correctly with an additional response header of ‘Via:1.1 (CloudFront).’

If the testing works fine, then it’s time to update your Magento system configuration to make use of CloudFront. Navigate to System > Configuration > General > Web, and an unseen area will appear called Unsecure, with following settings (below)


Change the Base Skin URL, Base Media URL and Base JavaScript URL settings according to your new CloudFront CDN CNAME.


Save this configuration and any requests to your for media, CSS or javascript will be routed to the newly configured CDN URLs. If any request object doesn’t find on Cloudfront then it will go to its origin server, fetch the required object and cache it all over the CloudFront servers.

Save all those settings, your Magento store will now be using Cloudfront, the admin will be using the base URL, and your multimedia and your WYSIWYG editor will properly be functioning.

Voila, you have learned using how to set up CDN in your Magento. Got any query? Do Let us know in the comment section below.

Saima Naz

Jun 14, 2017

What is DevOps? A guide as How DevOps Functions

What is DevOps? A guide as How DevOps Functions

DevOps is becoming an overloaded buzzed word which has different terminology for different people. DevOps has gained popularity over the past few years. So what exactly DevOps is? What are these two words Dev and Ops?  Let me share with you a detailed guide to understanding what DevOps is and the list of operations responsibilities included.

Operations Responsibilities

  • IT Buying and Security
  • Installation of Server hardware & OS
  • Server Monitoring
  • Backup & Disaster Recovery Planning
  • Asset Tracking
  • Manage Active Directory, Phone systems, and networks
  • Change control

Share Development & Operations Includes

  • Software Deployments
  • Application Support

These responsibilities have changed over the past few years. Virtualization and cloud have helped a lot in simplifying buying decisions, installation, and configuration.

Let’s move on to the OPS part and learn what duties, a developer should responsible for

  • Involvement in the selection for application stack
  • Configure & Deploy virtual and cloud server.
  • Deploying applications
  • Monitoring applications and system health.
  • Fixes application problems.

Developers, whoever takes these responsibilities in their hands can now deploy and support their applications more quickly. DevOps process and tools help to eliminate the distance between the teams and brings more flexibility in the business.

Now let’s see what the operation team do?

  • Managing the hardware infrastructure
  • Configure & monitor networking
  • Enforce policies around backup, DR, security, compliance etc
  • Assistance in monitoring the system.
  • Active directory management
  • Asset tracking

The workload of the above all tasks vary according to the company sizes. The operations tasks become more complex in larger enterprises companies requiring specialization and dedicated personnel to complete the tasks. Whereas in small and mid-size companies, the IT manager and system administrators can handle these all.

DevOps is evolving, allowing operation team to fully focus on the infrastructure and IT policies while giving more power to the developers. DevOps brings more agility, better efficiency and ultimately a higher level of performance and services to their customers.

So we are done understanding what DevOps is. Now let’s move on and read some foundational concepts of DevOps:

1: Where did DevOps come from?

2: What are the challenges DevOps solves?

3: What are the goals of DevOps?

4: What are the values of DevOps?

5: What are the tools of DevOps?

DevOps Origination

DevOps, the infant term of agile software development, originated in order to keep moving with the increased software velocity. DevOps is the IT mastereo which encourages some basic steps between the software developers and IT operations for communication, collaboration, integration, and automation to improve and enhance the speed and quality of the delivered software.

DevOps, the Challenger

DevOps fixes certain problems by creating and establishing collaborative cross-functional teams which share the responsibility to maintain the system on which the software runs and also prepare the software to run with best quality feedback and automation issues.

DevOps Goals

DevOps goals include:

  • Improved deployment frequency
  • To achieve faster time to market
  • Less failure rate to new releases
  • Short lead time between fixes
  • Improve mean time to recovery

DevOps Values

There are basically two DevOps values, one is DevOps Culture and the other one is DevOps tools. DevOps is often defined as increased collaboration, shared responsibility, autonomous team, improved quality, valued feedback and increased automation. Whereas the DevOps tools include configuration management, test, and build systems, deploying the application, version control and monitoring tools.

DevOps Tools

Source Code Repository, Build Server, Configuration Management, Virtual Infrastructure, Test Automation, these are some key tools and practices for DevOps functions

We hope this article will answer your all questions regarding DevOps and has given you a brief insight for this new innovation in the IT industry.

Saima Naz

Jun 13, 2017