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The Difference Between IDE And Code Editors

The Difference Between IDE And Code Editors

An IDE is an integrated environment and there are several differences that you might be searching for when using it instead of the code editors normally provided. The programming mode of working has several advantages to it because of several things you will want to take note of. Use of betterment in development makes the programming mode to be relative where the use of editors is less common.

Use of IDE provides you with the location where you not only write the codes but can do more things such as debugging and compiling. Use of special access that is there with IDE’s is relevant when there is need to access programming functions that need to get established. On the other hand, the code editors are several and there are never the same means in any other way of the establishment.

Trying to edit all types of files make relevant accreditation and there is no reward for making a quick and unnecessary code outlining not looking at the other known facts. Be conceptual and make pertinent use of IDE’s as a programming environment that makes sensible use. Programmers use notepad or text pad as an editor for the programming line of code which usually gets implemented but the original process is through an IDE.

Development Environment And Code Editors

Lots of benefits are there and acceptable through the use of the development environment as there can be a selective arrangement put into practice. Programming in PHP, for instance, has importance’s that you will need to connect with when making acclamations online. Beneficial as it is there are several loopbacks that will get you to program in a universal environment that you take part with to put into implementation.

Search on the web and make perfect use of considerable differences that come about when a normal IDE process is used instead of text editors. Search online and persist where the use of different tools in programming are put into practice. IDE work with a set of tools making sensible provisions you might seem to recollect gets you natural access.

Most IDE’s are connected to a particular language or framework that is the way programming works and should be carried out. Similar frameworks are, .NET and related ones using XCode, RubyMine for Ruby, IntelliJ for Java for Apple frameworks when there is a need for development. See with consistent meaning and contention that you are confident to accrue with and select right code of working.

Other Code Editors As They Differ From IDE

Other editors are just simplistic text editors which are available in the normal Windows working environment but the use of IDE’s seem to serve the purpose which lies at hand. An editor is labelled as a tool that edits texts always getting used, but there are several differences which are consistently seen when practising a more comprehensive process used as it lies straight with IDE’s having original programming interfaces.

Implementation of an Integrated development environment has considerable advantages but when you get down to using several modes of operation with programming made in a variating mode as always is implementable. An ease in operating with text editors has a use of several and different languages which you use on this one editor but there is a use that is universal and considered helpful when you get particular inception to get programming as an enjoyable profession.

If you work with a particular IDE there are groundbreaking uses that are accepted and make concern to reduce formality having intention to get programming work under implementation. Associate through a particular editor that is used when there is no particular and given one used with a programming platform you are working with. Make use of best efforts and be assured to use a compilation tool that is a sensible solution.

Saima Naz

Jun 13, 2017

Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons In Drupal

Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons In Drupa...

The use of social sharing is a common feature in development especially for websites, there are other things that make you moved, having different reactions. Getting the look of whether you will need to have the consideration to make social sharing options are what seem legitimate. Assert and confidently make a selection on how you prefer the social media button to be like.

Search online and consider a preferable means to accredit and consolidate through pertinence which you are considering access of. Seeing that there is no glitch with the essence that social media sharing has online, you can perfect with an insinuation in most ways. Settle wherever use of social media as perfection makes certainty with sharing which seems credible online.

Get Free Quote and Avail Drupal Development Services.

Drupal is a tool that might just correct through a fact that there is the use of social sharing online as you wish. Be considerate and associate having an urge to contend with a social media sharing which makes you more bored rather than delighted:

If you choose a one-time response then there is the code used in Drupal as follows:

git clone –branch 7.x-1.x

cd rrssb

Checking the status you are reconsidering has differing views which come into being:

Make sure you use git commit as what is a reinstatement like git add through compensation mentioning a git commit in use always.

If you want you can go to a different branch and make reinstatements you want to accrue online, as you contend with:

The particular switch you might be looking for is relenting and use of the code is there which can be:

git branch -a

git checkout [branchname]

Social Sharing Buttons Have Determination To Waste Time In Drupal

Another issue which is under contention is patching, you can make best of your efforts that you might put into action. If there isn’t any replication which you might have put into use you can connect with ease as a branch you want to be on retentively using code:

git pull origin 7.x-1.x

When you see the use of patch implementation there is a procedure you always get to use with concern and reason to decipher:

git diff >  [description]-[issue-number]-[comment-number].patch

Do you want to have improvements to the patch because there is a way which will be a necessity to put into practice with code:

git apply -v [patchname.patch]

Make the procedure be retentive and accessible where there is the considerate use of better features that you might find compelling in Drupal design. Perceive where a commitment having better social sharing through buttons in the development process gives better results that you want to connect with in several ways when you are out to design through Drupal.

Buttons In Drupal That Don’t Make You Get The Right Comeback

To avoid a patch file in future uses you will be eager to commit online as there is need of certain coding you need to use has it as a solution in the program:

git apply -v [patchname.patch]

An accidental promise is necessary and you can get the right outlook of development means that seem to contend. Accept with a solution that has a reason for certainty which is pertinent and makes considerable cut cost processing online. See that there is the effective and essential use of buttons with development which has you accounting through deals that make sense.

Avoidance accidentally is made through a code that you pertinently get to put in the program having uses at different situations such as:

rm  [patchname.patch]

Certain changes can be put into practice having reliant access through considerable design features that make sense and are provisions to avail. Settle with a linking ascription and associate as a means to get the code you always employ. When there are uncommitted changes always getting used, there are ways to do it, especially as:

Changes to a specific file are:

git checkout [filename]

Where a complete working mechanism works out there is the use of:

git reset –hard

Saima Naz

Jun 13, 2017

Development And Design Under The Same Roof With Magneto Development

Development And Design Under The Same Roof With Magneto...

Designing and developing any e-commerce site or online web shop on Magento is very challenging. The features seem so easy but actually, they are not. A Magento designer has to spend a lot of time and energy in order to complete the task. Similarly, Magento developer spends too much time in converting the solutions into code. All this can happen easily and effectively with the smooth communication between developers and designers, which don’t usually happens in most of the organization.

While designing any website, designers prefer to create a unique and simple web for a better user interface. Professional designers firstly study the behavior of the user plan things through trying multiple solutions and in end checks if the functionality is possible in Magento Development Services.

Communication is Important

Communication is the only way which can help fix the solution between the designer and the developer. Only communication can bring neat and incredible results.

Communication is the moment when “face to face” work meetings makes the entire development and design process easy. By brainstorming and communicating, one can find the perfect solution to offer great user experience with great performance.

Regular communication helps the most in the wireframe phase, the phase where most of the website structure, informational architecture, and features are being arranged.

Wireframe & the Design Phase

It is quite impossible to make a developer understand what exactly the main idea is and what the desired result is. Here designers play an important part in the briefing about the conclusion of the conducted research, importance of the features and explain more properly through wireframes and animations as what the final version should look like.

The first phase of the Magento project, where wireframes are given to developers, dialog about features, transitions and many other little things happen. While on the other hand, if the design would be given to any independent development company, they would just pass the design to the frontend developers. This will create trouble in understanding the designer’s idea.

In this phase, designers and developers check every feature of the pages for different resolutions and checks for any possible issues which can happen while translating the design into code. To keep all this mind, first people sees that wireframes are all frontends and back end developers.  Wireframes should be first approved by front-end developer, then by the client and in the end, by the design team.

Final Phase

Once the developers are done with their job, it’s time for designers to check and make sure that everything is in place.

This is the final phase where all the small details and issues are found and fixed.  The collaboration between the designer and the developer makes building a Magento development site as efficient as possible.

Saima Naz

Jun 12, 2017

What Do You Think About PHP 7 And 7.1?

What Do You Think About PHP 7 And 7.1?

A programming language that efficiently makes web applications and is considered salient of all in different ways. You can judge the authenticity of this language and still see important features it usually has and which you always make. After PHP 5 there is PHP 7 and 7.1 which has been released with more applications promoting web development.

Most of those who want to make advanced projects revert to PHP 7 and are happier with different applications that it has. Simple coding becomes what you might be looking for and are consistent with its development in most ways. Relation of a programming application to another version is done but the compatibility is always different.

You can make certainty through different procedures and adhere to online rules in development in most ways with programming tools at hand.  In PHP 7 the first return type feature is what is looked at which makes different data types you want to return. An example is as follows:


function add($a, $b) : float{

    return $a + $b;


This function mentions the float type and still returns a null variable which you can return as a programming character declaration.

The default parameter and functions are returned in this procedure as follows:


function test($param = null)




        return $param;


    return null;


This is placed in the situation when you want to know if the returned variable is null or not.

Instantiation of the Nullable type can be perfected as:


function test($param = null)




        return $param;


    return null;


Implementation In PHP 7 And 7.1 For Web Development

Mentioning a few features there is a consistent approval that you will always get when you use the programming lines of code in PHP 7 and 7.1. A selective platform is what you can recurrently boost the performance of ways you program having a steady approach in most ways. A use of the void function has been introduced in PHP 7.1. The subroutines are as follows:


function setkey($key) : void


 $this->key = $key;



Common means to perfect the void function applicability having pertinence with rare chances to transfer values of keys onwards is implied.

Yet the syntax [ ] can make clearing of arrays in most ways through procedures like:


$data = [

 [1, ‘TestB’],

 [2, ‘TestC’],


[0,’TestA’] = $data[0];

foreach ($data as [$id, $name]) {

 // logic here with $id and $name



Make the improvement through use of square brackets you will need to implement and have arrangements where clearing of arrays is pertinent. Array structure changes get a much accountable necessity to make programming modifications you might be looking for.

Features You Will Want To Know Of Php 7 And 7.1?

A more admired use of class constants with its instantiations are remedy with presumptive and correctional means to associate in debugging. Availing of access modifiers has use of constants which you understand makes the correlation that can be shown in the procedure below:


class ConstDemo


 const PUBLIC_CONST_A = 1;

 public const PUBLIC_CONST_B = 2;

 protected const PROTECTED_CONST = 3;

 private const PRIVATE_CONST = 4;



The public and Protected declaration is a common site and use of the modifiers are still an implication you need to put in use.

A callable Pseudo has a new set of ways to contend with development features you will use in the code snippet as follows:


function iterator(iterable $iter)


            foreach ($iter as $val) {





These are some features that have made PHP 7.1 look more user prone and worth the try when you are consistent and want to get programming leaps which are practical requirements. Make an understood relation and persist to account with a means to write user-friendly code you will surely like to use.

Saima Naz

Jun 9, 2017

General Use Of Tokens In Drupal Fields

General Use Of Tokens In Drupal Fields

A language that gets written through PHP code is a major breakthrough online, it has loops and turns which are considered useful. With the language used in development, there are certain key features you want to access in Drupal Development. Make most acceptable changes that have scrutiny which you will be certain to make use of.

Assert where a decision is based on variation through development loopholes and wants that are seen with tokens. First of any are the field tokens which are one of many you are certain to use in most ways. Perceive which way you want to move and select a discovery you seem to make sense with in most situations.

Different types of tokens such as formatted fields and field properties are just the types that are a concern with programming for sites. Tokens always give field property access that is legitimate with fields making a perfect use in Drupal development. Field property tokens are similar kind of tokens that are inserted in the lines of code to make selective association online.

Drupal Having Proper Compatibility Through Token Use

Relate with a use and access that is consistent and makes you a developer who looks for compatibility to use tokens. Associate and be pertinent to accrue with regular use of Drupal fields which serve with persistence having ease of use. Be sure there are relevant means to correlate as there are ways to access code logic online making user-friendly Drupal inception.

Drupal has features such as content management systems such as login fields that are consistent and make applications more viable. Certify a means as you will be assured to get conclusive features making your program in a user-friendly way. Certain and contrive through applications you always retain on the web making systematic and declared methods to develop in Drupal.

Menu management and maintenance are also a few procedures that Drupal programmed websites usually have in them. The field token is thereby a key in the insertion of codes you logically want to connect with in most ways. Perceptual use of preferred keys makes sense as you might be regarding the development and understand as assistance.

Inheritance Of Drupal Elements Where Use Of Tokens Is Compulsory

Where the use of tokens as fields has made proper and reliable developers choice is an initiation in web development. Settle using online means to have consistent use of tokens as fields you always tend to have an application of in programming online. Use of variety through tokens as a remedy to programming flaws results otherwise.

Set your statements right and select insertion of tokens as web processes developing the featured website you want to design. Search for the correct fields that are based on management technology and worth it uses with the connection. See a persistent association and find an easy way into programming background that has to do with token use.

The programming platform has a code you will be running as a server on the web with the use of PHP and a database which is connected with it. As the joining on the web is relative and it has rightness and valuation that is remedial having token fields in website code. Perfect and see the complicated use of tokens as fields and make assortment in a complete package of codes you can readily use.

Perceive and make management selection as essential which makes use through acceptance and composition in programming lines of code. Observe with a variety used and settle with Drupal as a Web application network you always want to rely on when programming. Always see the insertion of token fields when you are covering a vast array of lines of codes in online development.

Saima Naz

Jun 9, 2017

How to do External Database Connection in Magento

How to do External Database Connection in Magento

Mostly, a single database connection is required only while working with Magento. Magento has excellent features to add new tables to the database or extend the existing ones. So why do we need an external database connection outside the Magento? Well, data migration from other e-commerce systems is one of the examples.

In this blog here, I am going to tell you a simple way as how to do external database connection in Magento with CRUD (create, read, update, delete) examples.


In XML configuration, the external database connection is similarly defined as the Magento default one. The difference between internal and foreign connection is that foreign connection is defined inside the particulars module’s XML configuration. It defines read and write adapters and sets up the database credentials. Foreign tables are also defined in the same way as Magento table. They are defined under abc_foreignconnection_resource node so the model resource can be called later in the code. For a demo, here is a frontend node in XML config.

<?xml version=”1.0″?>












































<initStatements><![CDATA[SET NAMES utf8]]></initStatements>






















The next thing is the model which is used to define a foreign connection to get or save data in any foreign database. Here the model is initialized with the product table from XML configuration, which in this case defines product_description table.

class Inchoo_ForeignConnection_Model_Product extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract


protected $_eventPrefix = ‘inchoo_foreignconnection_product’;

protected $_eventObject = ‘product’;

protected function _construct()





The model resource class is defined as the same xml config node in _init()function, but with the table_primary_key parameter. Several functions can be created in this class which can work with external data.

1st Example is CreateDataInResource function, which will insert data into model’s table. It takes an array of parameters which are required to be inserted.

2nd Example is ReadDataFromResource function which fetches all the data from the model’s table. Read adapter should be defined first. It’s a configuration node from XML which defines read connection. After the read adapter definition, other Magento database connection such as (select(), from(), limit(), etc) can be used. Read adapter will execute the query once it is constructed completely.

To fetch data, one can use these functions FetchPairs() or FetchAll(). FetchAll is used to get all the records returned from MySQL.

UpdateDataInResource and DeleteDataInResource functions requires additional $id parameter that defines which record is going to be updated or deleted.

class Inchoo_ForeignConnection_Model_Resource_Product extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Abstract


const TABLE_PRIMARY_KEY = ‘product_id’;

protected function _construct()


$this->_init(‘inchoo_foreignconnection/product’, self::TABLE_PRIMARY_KEY);


public function createDataInResource($values = array())


$writeAdapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter();

try {





} catch (Exception $e) {

Mage::log(‘Unable to insert data to external resource. ‘ . $e->getMessage(), null, null, true);



public function readDataFromResource()


$data = array();

$readAdapter = $this->_getReadAdapter();

$select = $readAdapter->select()

->from($this->getMainTable(), ‘*’)


try {

$data = $readAdapter->fetchAll($select);

} catch (Exception $e) {

Mage::log(‘Unable to fetch data from external resource. ‘ . $e->getMessage(), null, null, true);



return $data;


public function updateDataInResource($id, $values = array())


$writeAdapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter();

try {




self::TABLE_PRIMARY_KEY . ‘=’ . $id


} catch (Exception $e) {

Mage::log(‘Unable to update data in external resource. ‘ . $e->getMessage(), null, null, true);



public function deleteDataFromResource($id)


$writeAdapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter();

try {



self::TABLE_PRIMARY_KEY . ‘=’ . $id


} catch (Exception $e) {

Mage::log(‘Unable to delete data from external resource. ‘ . $e->getMessage(), null, null, true);




class Inchoo_ForeignConnection_Model_Resource_Product_Collection extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Collection_Abstract


public function _construct()





Usage in Controller

All these below functions describes in IndexController class, but as they are defined in Model’s resource class, they can also be called in any controller class.

class Inchoo_ForeignConnection_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action


publicfunction indexAction()


// Create

$foreignProductCreate = Mage::getModel(‘inchoo_foreignconnection/product’)->getResource();



‘product_name’ => ‘Product name’,

‘product_description’ => ‘Product description’



// Read

$foreignProductRead = Mage::getModel(‘inchoo_foreignconnection/product’)->getResource();

$result = $foreignProductRead->readDataFromResource();


// Update

$foreignProductUpdate = Mage::getModel(‘inchoo_foreignconnection/product’)->getResource();




‘product_name’ => ‘Product name updated’,

‘product_description’ => ‘Product description updated’



// Delete

$foreignProductDelete = Mage::getModel(‘inchoo_foreignconnection/product’)->getResource();




In most cases, Magento uses different types of external connection to retrieve or send data, but sometimes an external database connection is a good to go thing. Give it a try and do let us know in the comment section below as how it worked.


Saima Naz

Jun 8, 2017

Using Artificial Intelligence To Create Websites And Apps

Using Artificial Intelligence To Create Websites And Ap...

An implementation of websites through the use of Artificial Intelligence is up and running and has been put into use in Tel Aviv, Israel. AI is a division of computer science that has to do with intelligence displayed by machines and goes into deep science with it. The Science that has made progression in the past decade is perfection and complacency which remains to be used.

Relegating the technological and robotics world now comes down to make technology as it perfects through robotics. Throughout the age of computers and the developing fields, there has been faultlessness which has met the eyes of designers. Willing to use voice communication which came into being through Eliza software has been in existence for more than one and a half decades.

Another issue of recognizing through an optical means is never a part of artificial intelligence but sound recognition and understanding are there at hand. With the launching of Wix Artificial Design and Intelligence (ADI) has shown a breakthrough in technology. Looking to be a rare introduction in the field, there has been a complimentary improvement you will see with it.

Artificial intelligence is a common implication which you will want to condescend and see the use of it in self-driving cars, content delivery networks and understanding human speech. Use of different devices to sense how certain features need to get examined are the basic purpose of artificial intelligence in most ways. A combination of mathematics and philosophy has to do with the implication of computer science as a notable common feature.

Latest Trends In Website Development Through Technology

This ADI provides a comprehensive improvement and recognition of data that 85 million users recognize with the technology. What you will find most explicit is that it gathers information online and makes efficient use you will need. Making best and more conservative implementation of content that needs to be placed on the website is through this technology named Wix.

A continuous implementation of this transfer of content is seen since the beginning to an end which has development done easily. It is the ADI that knows how to develop websites making compulsive integration and continuation of web development. As you might seem to use it, Wix provides cloud development to make HTML5 sites as well as mobile sites you require.

Almost 100 Million users are there who are continuously using the site for more marked development and improved web design. As there are premium and freemium models to get access to community forums, e-commerce, social plug-ins, e-mail marketing and contact forms. Seeing a variety that you might seem to connect with, has several advancements in working.

Easy Designing Through A More Advanced Way In Web Development

Achsaf is the Wix ADI and is the first web development tool that has been given the name and is implied with Artificial Intelligence applications. After every other season, Wix gets newer versions of the developer such as HTML5 that there in use. It is the improved version and gets its publicity as a new and more remarkable web developing tool which comes to good use.

The perfect use of options that has artificial intelligence implications is through content which gets read from beginning to completion. Once the website gets completed a conclusion with themes as well as other design features are then designed with requirements. A query is always there at hand and the consistent questioning leads it to have conclusive application to website development.

Asked a few questions it could lead you to make a home page of websites you are into designing for your personal or commercial use. When there is a combination of artificial intelligence and algorithms that make easy development through a design strategy put into action is through algorithms. Where there is a right intrusion a contention from a series of choices mark in billions making the select ones as a used choice in website development.

If there is no immediate response to the Wix ADI simulator there are still a variety of things you will want to look at making a more comprehensive selection of a design strategy. The simulator accesses information through the web and gets right data in the right location on the designed website you are making.

Saima Naz

Jun 7, 2017

Looming PHP 7 & Its Effect on WordPress

Looming PHP 7 & Its Effect on WordPress

It is no more a secret anymore that PHP 7 has gained a lot of popularity, more than its previous versions. There are some questions which arise while developing with this advance version of PHP such as how it will affect sites which run on WordPress.

PHP 7 is no doubt an advance update for server-side web development language, and not in PHP but it’s going to impact a lot on other PHP-powered CMS like Drupal, Joomla, and Magento.

Upgrades in Performances

The biggest performance upgrade in PHP 7 is the direct response to all the criticism for all the past performance issues for the platform. This new PHP 7 release will give a 50% increase for the apps and will be quicker than HHVM.

Double Speed

This latest new update is twice as fast as PHP 5.x. PHP 7 executes codes faster and requires only few servers to manage the same quantity of requests each second. For example, WordPress homepage now requires 72% fewer instructions to execute than previously.

Latest & Improved Operators

The two operators that make their debut on PHP 7 are Spaceship and Null Coalescing. The former makes the designers chained comparison briefer while the latter is supposed to check if something exists.

Function Type Clues

In PHP 7, you are now allowed to use Boolean, Integers, Floats and strings as function type hints. In addition to that, you can even declare a function’s return type. This will help in preventing you from passing and returning the wrong types from functions.

Engine Exception

Exceptions added in this latest release of PHP 7 engine will help designers to handle errors in applications. The new engine exception introduced in this version will replace these types of errors, which is a great news for designers. If they now witness any fatal error, they can immediately remove it.

Continuous 64-Bit Support

It is now possible to operate PHP on a 64-BIT Windows system with total confidence. This is no doubt a remarkable change because the earlier versions of PHP have failed to support 64-bit integers or bigger files.

Group Use Declaration

Group Use Declaration is another more interesting feature of PHP 7. They outstandingly have improved PHP namespace implementations. Now you can import as many classes as you want from the namespaces, all because of this syntax. Another benefit of this syntax is, you have to write less code.

Anonymous Class Support

Classes with no name help developers to enhance their coding and fasten the execution time. Well, other programming languages like Java and C# also let developers make use of anonymous classes in their code.

Abstract Syntax Tree

PHP 7 introduces Abstract Syntax Tree and for good reason. It is the middle phase in the whole language compilation process. AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) has come with lots of advantages like the possibility of more optimization, refined code quality and the chance to use tools such as static code analyzers.

Removal of Unacceptable Items

Good news, some deprecated features, unsupported or dead server APIs and extensions are removed in this latest version of PHP. Here see the list of removed items:

  • ASP style tags
  • PHP 4 style constructors.
  • Ereg and MYSQL extensions.

These are some necessary things to keep in mind while moving to PHP 7.


Stay alerted for notifications. Hosting sites usually send the notification to the site owners prior to any PHP updates. Do tell your hosting provider if you missed anything by mistake.

WordPress Site Backup

It would be great if you save the copies of your WordPress site in multiple locations before migrating to PHP 7. This applies even when you think that the update will not break your site.

Update Before Migrate

Update all your site elements like the themes, plugins and the whole WordPress site before migrating to PHP 7. It is a wise precaution to ensure that all the site elements work fine even after the migration.

Talk to your Hosting Provider

Don’t feel shy in contacting your web hosts’ support team. Ask them if they are able to take care of all the site issues while migrating. Ask them to simply install a new copy of WordPress and then restore your whole site from the backup.

Wrapping it up

With all these updates, the release of PHP 7 sounds are all exciting for the developers and designers. The new update is designed with lots of features which has made the programming language faster and more improved.

Still scared in migrating to PHP 7? So it is recommended to follow all the precautions to avoid any mishaps.

Saima Naz

Jun 5, 2017

Education Web Design: 7 Elements that Influence Conversions

Education Web Design: 7 Elements that Influence Convers...

The road for conversion on any website is a long one. Countless of factors matters as why someone would take action on your site. In this post right here, we are going to talk about the most important user group on educational websites which intends to satisfy parents and students. Obviously, any educational website serves many purposes and both users are part of your organization but not necessarily both the users need to be served in the same way for conversions.

Let’s take a look at some key website elements which can help effect, achieve and encourage conversions.

1: Compelling and Attractive Headlines

There are lots of choices available for students when narrowing down their options for educational sites. In the process of researching, they will look at hundreds of websites recommended to them by others or seems appealing to them in some way. This is the reason that a compelling and straightforward headline is so much important.

If a user lands on your website, make them revisit your website again. This can be done through many things since it is difficult to focus on any single aspect of the website, so it’s better to make a bold, loud, stand-out and clear statement to convey your message rather than filling the page with a glut of information.

2: Quality Imagery

High-quality images go hands in hands with the compelling and appealing headlines. The homepage and landing pages of your educational website should feature quality photography which gives your user an immediate and positive reaction over that. Pairing with strong headlines or content and high-quality images will leave a long lasting impression on users, convincing them that they have landed in the right spot.

3: Clear, Defined User Paths

Education websites serve many user groups. And because of this reason, it is important to have clearly defined user paths to allow easy navigation according to the needs. Giving clear pathways to a relevant and specific content ensures you that the users don’t abandon your site just like that because they can’t find the information they are looking for.

4: Ease of Navigation

Educational websites are normally loaded with lots of information, which makes sense as it is fulfilling different needs of user groups and offers a huge number of different courses, programs which should be represented. However, displaying an enormous amount of content can be a challenge when it comes to representing it on the web. Web sites with a variety of content should focus on presenting in such ways which help in navigating the site towards the content which is relevant and useful.

5: The Right CTAs

Call-to-action buttons are incredibly an important factor in the conversion process. But it doesn’t force users to take that step instead it guides them the way which makes sense to them. The more satisfied and comfortable your users are, the more likely they will take a step to complete the conversion. Consider it necessary as how much information users require before they take any more serious and important steps such as giving their contact or card information. So ensure to include other options for users who are not yet ready to make any commitment.

6: Social Presence

Displaying Social proof on your website is one of a great way to gain user trust and get them connected with your educational institute on a more personal level. Word-of-mouth marketing, social shares, comments, mentions are now considered to be the digital equivalent of a conversation shared between people. Integrating social tools on your site shows that your educational institute possesses a thriving, engaging and successful community.

7: Mobile Optimized

Mobile optimized websites are a necessity now. Half of the users’ access web through their phones and Google takes mobile optimization as a ranking factor. The website without mobile optimization is a major drawback and a website performing poorly on the mobile screen is undoubtedly a conversion killer.

In a digital era, almost everyone expects websites to function on phones as fine as they do on desktop screens, so it’s wise to meet their expectations to generate leads and conversions.

In the End

We hope these 7 areas of focus discussed above will help you design your website in a way which influences conversions. Did we miss out any other factor? Do let us know in the comment below.

Saima Naz

May 31, 2017